ansible-role-protonmail-bridge-headless icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
ansible-role-protonmail-bridge-headless copied to clipboard

Installs the ProtonMail bridge, registers it as a headless service, and configures Postfix to use it.

Ansible Role: ProtonMail Bridge (headless)

Installs the ProtonMail Bridge (optionally prompting for 2FA), registers it as a headless service, and configures Postfix to use it. Supports RedHat/CentOS, Debian/Ubuntu, and Archlinux servers.


The ProtonMail Bridge app for Linux enables you to integrate your ProtonMail account with IMAP and SMTP email programs such as Thunderbird and Evolution. Bridge is available to all ProtonMail users with a paid subscription.

The purpose of this role is to automate the bridge installation such that it can be used on a headless machine without a GUI.

Specifically, this role will:

  • download the latest version of the bridge
  • ensure the package is correctly signed before installing it
  • configure the bridge with your user information
  • create a service to keep the bridge running in the background
  • create a locked user to run the service as
  • configure postfix for use with the bridge (SASL)
  • on RHEL systems, (or optionally) configures SELinux contexts


Requires RedHat/CentOS 8, Ubuntu 18 or higher, or an up-to-date Debian, Archlinux, or Manjaro system.

Role Variables

Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see defaults/main.yml):

protonmail_username: ""
protonmail_password: ""
protonmail_custom_domain: ""
protonmail_enable_2fa: false

Your ProtonMail credentials and domain. These are used to add your account to the ProtonMail-bridge, and to configure postfix. NOTE: when protonmail_enable_2fa is set to true, this role will be run interactively and will prompt you for a 2FA code.

# configure_selinux: ""

Whether to configure SELinux. Defaults to true on RHEL systems and false otherwise.

    type: default
    length: default
    subkey_type: default
    subkey_length: default
    expire_date: 0
    name: protonmail-bridge-headless service key
    email: root@localhost

These settings are used to create a local GPG key. The key is required for the ProtonMail bridge and pass to communicate. Additional changes can be made to the templates/protonmail-bridge.gpg.j2 file. NOTE: the default settings generate a new unprotected key to use exclusively for the bridge. To add a key password, you will need to modify the default values, as well as templates/

configure_gpg: "true"
configure_pass: "true"
configure_postfix: "true"
configure_service: "true"
configure_user: "true"

Can be used to skip tasks in this role.

protonmail_lib_dir: "/var/lib/protonmail"

The location where configuration and service files will be stored.

protonmail_user: "protonmail"
protonmail_user_flags: "-L"

The name and flags of the service-user.

postfix_hostname: "{{ protonmail_custom_domain }}"
postfix_localhost_address: ""

Settings you can override in

selinux_httpd_can_sendmail: "true"

Whether to add selinux policies for httpd when configuring postfix.


A paid ProtonMail account.

Sample usage

First, install a current version of Ansible:

sudo pacman -Syu ansible


sudo dnf -y install epel-release
sudo dnf repolist
sudo dnf -y install ansible


sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y software-properties-common
sudo apt-add-repository -y -u ppa:ansible/ansible
sudo apt install -y ansible

Then, create a file called main.yml and add the below (replacing your_username, your_password, and your_domain with their actual values:

- name: "install and configure protonmail-bridge as a headless service"
  become: "yes"
  hosts: "all"
    protonmail_username: "your_username"
    protonmail_password: "your_password"
    protonmail_custom_domain: "your_domain"
    - "moismailzai.protonmail_bridge_headless"

Then from the command line in the same directory, run:

# installs this role from Ansible Galaxy
ansible-galaxy install moismailzai.protonmail_bridge_headless

# ensures Ansible can find the role you just downloaded
ln -s ~/.ansible/roles roles

# runs the playbook you created in the previous step
sudo ansible-playbook -c local -i localhost, main.yml

Once the process is complete, send yourself a test message from the command line:

echo "If you are seeing this, the bridge has been correctly configured." | mail -s "ProtonMail-bridge test message" -r [email protected] [email protected]



Author Information

This role was created in 2021 by Mo Ismailzai.