Same problem here and it isn't the machine. The shrinked image (from 32GB to 11GB) is apparently (green light) a few times read, but then nothing else happens. I even...
I've been trying again, but unfortunately the problem remains the same: PiShrink works great in reducing the image size considerably, but when written to an SD card it's read a...
I'm running Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster) I'm burning it on W10 with balenaEtcher (also tried Win32DiskImager). The image that's being shinked is created by the following command: "sudo dd bs=4M...
Sorry @DaveWhoHasARadarGun, if I had found something I would have mentioned it. Unfortunately not so, so I've to remain writing the very large 30Gb images to my backup system and...
That's curious anyway, I might try to burn a shrunken image (created on the RPi) that way. So if I interpret your text correct, you ran PiShrink as usual on...
Ok, thank you for confirming! What ran where wasn't entirely clear to me. I already have WSL2 installed, but running PiShrink on my Windows machines wouldn't help me: then I...
Well, unfortunately I never found a working solution using PiShrink. If it is like in the link in #255 that the partition UUID (PARTUUID) is changed, that then might be...