terraform-ui copied to clipboard
Terraform UI to manage & provision using terraform (.tf) files
user interface to run terraform (tf) files.
How to run from source ?
- Download terraform binary from terraform.io
- Place the terraform binary|executable (terraform|terraform.exe) path in global.properties (src/main/resources)
- Provide the location of directory where files will be placed in global.properties (src/main/resources)
Clone the version of terraform-ui you want to run.
git clone https://github.com/mohnishbasha/terraform-ui.git
change directory to the root of the project
run below command from root of project to create the artifact
cd terraform-ui/
mvn package
execute below to start the application
java -jar target/terraform-ui-X.X.jar
access application
How to run as docker container ?
- TBD [working on this, will be out soon .. ]
System requirement
- Java
- Maven
- Mysql
- contact: mohinish_ce [@] yahoo dot com