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kubectl-exec is a shell script getting a shell into your kuberntes nodes.


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Kubectl-exec is an interactive bash script that allows you to perform tasks on Windows and Linux kubernetes nodes. Such as accessing nodes shell, mounting a node filesystem, and accessing nodes filesystem in an easy-to-use web interface.

Key Features

  • Access Windows/Linux nodes shell interactively


  • Access Windows/Linux nodes shell non-interactively


  • Mount Windows/Linux filesystem to pod, can be used to explore or transfer files.


  • Expose a web based file manager for managing files and folders and transfer data between nodes and your local machine.


How it works:

For Linux:
It works by creating a pod (with a priviledged container) in the node you specified and using nsenter for getting a shell into your kuberntes nodes.

The created pod is from alpine official image which is ~2.6 mb in size, once you exit the shell, the pod will be deleted.

For Windows::
It works by creating a pod and using Windows SSH credentials to access Windows node or mounting the filesystem to the linux pod.

Why using linux pods to access Windows nodes ?
This is because windows container images are large in size 3GB+; instead, we are using a linux alpine image that is less than 3MB.

Notice: Windows nodes supports only nodes with OpenSSH installed. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/administration/openssh/openssh_install_firstuse

This have been tested on AKS nodes which has OpenSSH installed by default.


wget https://github.com/mohatb/kubectl-exec/raw/master/kubectl-exec
chmod +x ./kubectl-exec
sudo mv ./kubectl-exec /usr/local/bin/kubectl-exec


sudo rm -rf $(which kubectl-exec)
wget https://github.com/mohatb/kubectl-exec/raw/master/kubectl-exec
chmod +x ./kubectl-exec
sudo mv ./kubectl-exec /usr/local/bin/kubectl-exec


    kubectl-exec NodeName

    Access node shell:
    kubectl-exec NodeName
    Mount The host filesystem to priviliged pod:
    kubectl-exec -mount
    kubectl-exec -mount NodeName

    Access node filesystem with web interface in the browser:
    kubectl-exec -filemanager
    kubectl-exec -filemanager NodeName


Please refer to troubleshooting section Troubleshooting


We welcome pull requests with open arms! There's a lot of work to do here, and we're especially concerned with ensuring the longevity and reliability of the project.


This project is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.