@xet7 im am not programmer how can we publish this issue to someone solve it?
@xet7 @mfilser How long should I wait for this feature to be added?
@xet7 @mfilser is there any chance to someone add this feature?
> @mohammadZahedian @HT-Marley > > I added this feature. Please try newest WeKan (for example Docker), does this work? would you pleas answer #4710
@xet7 im am not programmer how can we publish this issue to someone solve it?
@xet7 is there any chance someone do this?
> > Are there any updates on this? Wekan-Snap is like 40 versions behind :/ > > Our IT currently has changed to Docker, also because of security reasons and...
any chance to some one do this? @xet7 @tlevine @h0jeZvgoxFepBQ2C @brylie
this also could be used in checklist