dotfiles copied to clipboard
:computer: my ricing configs.
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/ __ |/ _ \ __\ __\| | | _/ __ \ / ___/
/ /_/ ( <_> ) | | | | | |_\ ___/ \___ \
\____ |\____/|__| |__| |__|____/\___ >____ >
\/ \/ \/
----[ Welcome To My Dotfiles ]----
About This Repo
This repository contains a collection of scripts/applications configuration files that I use.
Application | Configs |
WM | i3,bspwm,dwm |
Bar | polybar,lemonbar,dwmblocks,conky |
Shell | zsh,bash |
Terminal | tmux,urxvt,st,alacrity |
Editor | vim |
File Manager | ranger,pcmanfm |
Launcher | dmenu,rofi,dmenu-extended |
Browser | firefox,qutebrowser,luakit |
Media | mpv,ncmpcpp,mpd, cava |
Chat | discord,irssi,weechat |
Notification | dunst, xfce4-notifyd |
Reader | zathura |
Compositor | compton,picom |
E-Mail Client | mutt,thunderbird |
Containers | docker,lxd |
Knowledge base|Note-Taking | obsidian, joplin |
Misc | colors,Qubes-os,FreeBSD,scripts,popups,sxhkd |
You can also find out other previous rice based on this repo here