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generate POCO classes from OData service

Welcome to OData2Poco

OData2Poco is a code generation tool for generating plain-old CLR objects (POCO) from OData feeds. POCO classes can be used in a typed RESTful client OData services and code generation can be controlled by setting many options.

What is news

Odata2Poco v4.3.1 is released with new features implemented for request #43: Enable code generation that support nullable reference type of c#8 by adding new option -B/--enable-nullable-reference.

  • Allow reading remote metadata http(s) xml files.
  • Moving Solution to .Net 6.

OData2Poco Packages

OData2Poco is available in three flavers:

  • A Console tool: OData2Poco.CommandLine (a.k.a o2pgen).
  • A .Net Core Global tool dotnet-o2pgen support NET5.
  • A class library: support NET5/netstandard2.0/net45/net461.

NuGet Version Chocolatey Global Tool NuGet Version

Continuous integration

Build server Platform Build status
AppVeyor Windows Build status
Travis Linux / OS X Build Status

Features of OData2Poco

  • Generate POCO classes corresponding to the Entities defined in the XML MetaData stored in OData Feeds.
  • Generation is based on the Metadata of the service stored on the server/ EDMX xml files or xml string contents.
  • Support http(s) with/without authentication. The Supported autherizations are: basic, token and Oauth2.
  • Console CommandLine tool Support .NET 4.5 or higher.
  • Class library Support NET5/netstandard2.0/net461/net45.
  • Support Windows or Linux /OS fx (net core)
  • Packaged as a nuget package in three different packages:
  • A Class library full framework/ netstandard2.0 /NET5 for programming.
  • A console CommandLine tool (one executable file o2pgen.exe)
  • Global net core support NET5 (dotnet-o2pgen).
  • Console tool o2pgen is published as a Chocolatey package.
  • Generating CSharp POCO classes. Other languages may be added in the near future based on the community needs.
  • Convert Data type of EDMX to the corresponding CLR data types.
  • Support Entites, complex data type, Collections and navigation properties.
  • Support OData service version V1..V4
  • Code generation is controlled by setting different options:
    • Add the following attributes: - Add Key Attributes. - Add Required Attributes to the properties. - Add JsonProperty Attribute to the properties. - Add Table Attribute to the class. - Add DataMember Attribute to the properties and DataContract Attribute to the class. - Add display attribute to the properties. - Add ProtoMember to the properties and ProtoContract to the class to suport Proto Buffer. - Add user defined attribute for the properties.

    • Adding virtual modifier to the properties.

    • Convert name of properties to camelCase or PasCase

    • Add nullable datatypes, e.g. int?.

    • Generate (or not) navigation properties.

    • Generated class follows inheritance hierarchy of OData feed (unless switched-off).

    • Generated class can inherit from a common BaseClass/interface.

    • Define namespace to overwrite the namespace of the model.

    • Filter Entities.

    • Name Mapping of Entities and properties using json file with regex support.

  • Add primary key/mandatory comments to the properties of the class.
  • Rename class/properties that have a name match a c# reserved keyword.
  • Save metadata and generated code to a user defined file name.
  • Support colored console windows /linux /OS fx.
  • Support Microsoft.OData.Edm library version 7.5+ (OData v4).
  • Support Microsoft.Data.Edm library (OData v1-v3).

Features added in V3.2.0:

  • New: Support Windows NTLM authentication(Thanks to @lobster2012-user for help).
  • New: Support Microsoft Digest authentication.
  • New: Support Integrated Windows Authentication, enabling users to log in with their Windows credentials (Issue#19).
  • New: Add jsonProperty(originalName) to properties that are renamed because its name is the same as its enclosing type.
  • New: Show/hide model warning due to renaming properties/classes whose name is a reserved keyword.
  • New: Support abstract class.
  • New: support complex type inheritance
  • New: Add attribute [MaxLength] for max length of string/byte[] properties.
  • Convert EDM.TIME in Odata v3 to TimeSpan.
  • Support multi schema.
  • Support multi containers in OData v3.


1) OData2Poco.dotnet.o2pgen:

NetCore Global tool NET5 named dotnet-o2pgen.

Can be installed from Nuget Gallery:

   dotnet tool install --global OData2Poco.dotnet.o2pgen  

2) OData2Poco.CommandLine:

Console application named o2pgen.

Can be installed from Nuget Gallery:

   Install-Package OData2Poco.CommandLine 

From Chocolatey Gallery:

 choco install odata2poco-commandline

3) OData2Poco Class library:

Support NET5/netstandard2.0/net461/net45. Can be installed from Nuget Gallery

     Install-Package OData2Poco

Try demo Application in NET5 Online

Release Notes


Try dotnet Global Tool:

Install from nuget gallary, run the command:

   dotnet o2pgen -r http://services.odata.org/V4/Northwind/Northwind.svc/
   For help type: dotnet o2pgen --help

Consol net45 tool:

   o2pgen -r http://services.odata.org/V4/Northwind/Northwind.svc/

Note: The same options are available for dotnet Global tool or Console tool


MIT License.


Read the:Wiki


Thank you JetBrains for Resharper open source license