Mohamed Hassan

Results 60 comments of Mohamed Hassan

I found a solution for Nullable attributes by using this [Nullable nuget package]( ```xml all runtime; build; native; contentfiles; analyzers; buildtransitive ``` I tried it in a demo library supporting...

@Orace I fixed parts of the forgiving operator !. build success and Test pass. The others default()! are correct and not modified. The attached file is the Patch of changes...

In Windows, Running `dotnete test` from within Powershell Console like Powershell ISE or Package Console Manager in VS (tested in vs 2019) capture all Console.WriteLine used inside Xunit project or...

Is there any Update to this issue. Adding x-ms-enum extension is enough as described in AutoRest. I set the property `AddEnumDescriptionExtension=true` in the setting , but it has no effect.

Can you provide us with a simple getting start guide in the readme page?

I created a new branch to format the project, then run: ` dotnet format -v diag myproj.csproj` I use the built-in format in net6 ``` dotnet format --version 6.4.345109+d2f060021d5a71871927bb961a6c09e76bad2be7 ```...

**Issue Resolution: Workaround solution** I resolved my issue by temporary using only one framework net6, then run format without issues. Then modify the project as multi target and resolve the...

Is there any progress in this issue or any guideline document to avoid such comments?

@JoeRobich I run dotnet format with -v diag and inspected the The logs in screen is something like: ``` Determining diagnostics... Running 142 analyzers on myproject(net6.0). Running 10 analyzers on...