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Example constructed elevation not matching original
I have tried the example from the docstring with the 'real' data, i.e.
import ttide as tt import numpy as np
t = np.arange(1001) m2_freq = 2 * np.pi / 12.42 elev = 5 * np.cos(m2_freq * t) tfit_e = tt.t_tide(elev) elev_fit = tfit_e(t)
When comparing the original elevation, 'elev', to the reconstructed one, 'elev_fit', the phases and frequencies are different, as shown in the figure below. Shouldn't these be the same or am I missing something?
The synthesis that should match "elev" is in tfit_e['xout']
The mismatch with the synthesis from calling the TTideCon object is due to the time vector that you're providing doesn't match the time vector constructed within t_tide:
import ttide as tt import numpy as np
N=1000 t = np.arange(N+1) m2_freq = 2 * np.pi * 0.0805114 elev = 5 * np.cos(m2_freq * t) tfit_e = tt.t_tide(elev) elev_fit = tfit_e( (t-N/2)/24)
print("Err1:", np.max(np.abs(elev - elev_fit))) print("Err2:", np.max(np.abs(elev - tfit_e['xout'][:,0])))
Gives me:
Err1: 1.0786432503656629e-05 Err2: 1.0786432503656629e-05