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Allocating Centres even if distance is greater than ABS_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD and even more greater if we also take Stretch factor to account.
Steps to reproduce
To Reproduce the issue take below Data:
scode count name-address lat long 27101 600 काठमाण्डौ मोडेल मा.वि., वागवजार 45.77476723 85.27076582 27007 1700 ट्रिनीटी इन्टरनेशनल मा.वि., डिल्लीबजार 45.77476723 85.27076582 27045 1278 साउथ वेस्टर्न स्टेट मा.वि., बसुन्धारा 27.73966002 85.32545325 27127 1210 क्यापिटल मा.वि., कोटेश्वर 27.67354169 85.34490138 27011 1166 विश्व निकेतन मा.वि., त्रिपुरेश्वर 27.67354169 85.27076582
centres_grade12_2081.tsv: cscode capacity name address नाम ठेगाना lat long 27003 5000 NATIONAL SCHOOL OF SCIENCES SECONDARY SCHOOL LAINCHAUR नेशनल स्कुल अफ साइन्सेस मा.वि लैनचौर 27.78577775 85.27276585 27051 5000 UNIGLOBE MA VI KAMALADI युनिग्लोब मा.वि कमलादी 27.78577775 85.27176585 27045 5680 SOUTH WESTERN ACADEMY SECONDARY SCHOOL BASUNDHARA साउथ वेर्ष्टन एकेडेमी मा.वि. बसुन्धरा 27.78577775 85.27276585 27075 5000 SIGMA SECONDARY SCHOOL SORAKHUTTE सिग्मा मा.वि. सोह्रखुट्टे 27.71854977 85.27276585 27115 382 NABODIT BIDHYAKUNJA SECONDARY SCHOOL MHEPI SAMAKHUSI नवोदीत विद्याकुञ्ज मा.वि म्हैपी सामाखुसी 27.78577775 85.27276585
scode cscode pref reason 27001 27999 -5 same management 27999 27001 -5 same management 27990 27992 -5 problematic history 27998 27997 1 community school
scode school cscode center center_address center_lat center_long allocation distance_km
27127 क्यापिटल मा.वि., कोटेश्वर 27075 SIGMA SECONDARY SCHOOL SORAKHUTTE 27.71854977 85.27276585 1210 8.688293003084407
27045 साउथ वेस्टर्न स्टेट मा.वि., बसुन्धारा 27075 SIGMA SECONDARY SCHOOL SORAKHUTTE 27.71854977 85.27276585 1278 5.692288518271926
27011 विश्व निकेतन मा.वि., त्रिपुरेश्वर 27075 SIGMA SECONDARY SCHOOL SORAKHUTTE 27.71854977 85.27276585 1166 5.008542496281751
27101 काठमाण्डौ मोडेल मा.वि., वागवजार 27051 UNIGLOBE MA VI KAMALADI 27.78577775 85.27176585 600 2000.2843675772574
27007 ट्रिनीटी इन्टरनेशनल मा.वि., डिल्लीबजार 27051 UNIGLOBE MA VI KAMALADI 27.78577775 85.27176585 1700 2000.2843675772574
scode s_count school_name school_lat school_long cscode center_name center_address center_capacity distance_km
27127 1210 क्यापिटल मा.वि., कोटेश्वर 27.67354169 85.34490138 27075 SIGMA SECONDARY SCHOOL SORAKHUTTE 5000 8.688293003084407
27045 1278 साउथ वेस्टर्न स्टेट मा.वि., बसुन्धारा 27.73966002 85.32545325 27075 SIGMA SECONDARY SCHOOL SORAKHUTTE 5000 5.692288518271926
27011 1166 विश्व निकेतन मा.वि., त्रिपुरेश्वर 27.67354169 85.27076582 27075 SIGMA SECONDARY SCHOOL SORAKHUTTE 5000 5.008542496281751
27101 600 काठमाण्डौ मोडेल मा.वि., वागवजार 45.77476723 85.27076582 27051 UNIGLOBE MA VI KAMALADI 5000 2000.2843675772574
27007 1700 ट्रिनीटी इन्टरनेशनल मा.वि., डिल्लीबजार 45.77476723 85.27076582 27051 UNIGLOBE MA VI KAMALADI 5000 2000.2843675772574
So, if we notice the distance_km field of the output tables then we can see that it is allowing to allocate centers even if the distance between school and center is greater than ABS_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD and even more greater if we also take Stretch factor to account.
Describe what you expected to happen.
It should not allow the distance greater than the absolute Distance Threshold + STRETCH_CAPACITY_FACTOR.
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I dont think this is a bug, rather a fallback strategy. If the closest center is farther than ABS_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD, we still have to assign a center for students in that school. That seems to be an arbitrary value, I guess naming the constant ABSOLUTE_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD has caused this confusion.
@sapradhan Ok So, let's ignore this ABSOLUTE_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD for now, is it worth /good /practical to assign centre that is 2000.2843675772574 km far from his(student's) school. I have highlight this distance value to focus.
All the schools in the dataset are in Kathmandu district, you always get assigned to a school within the same district as your school. The point you have chosen seems to be in North west China :)
STRECH_FACTOR of .02 means a center can be allocated 2% more than its capacity. It hints for a center with 500 capacity, it is okay to assign up to 510 students if need be. And if there are no other options assigning centers farther than ABS_DiSTANCE_THRESHOLD. this will be reviewed during manual verification. it may be necessary to add centers or it may be due to mistake in school co ordinates