laravel-react copied to clipboard
Laravel 8 and React 17 boilerplate
Laravel 8 and React 17 boilerplate
There are two different ways to run this demo
Please follow the guide.
Option 1
git clone
create a .env file copy content from .env.example and update the values
composer install && composer update
php artisan cron:refresh-database
- if npm version < 7
npm install && npm run dev
elsenpm install --legacy-peer-deps && npm run dev
php artisan key:gen
php artisan serve
Option 2
Make sure you have docker and docker-compose installed on you machine.
git clone
create a .env file copy content from .env.docker and do not make any change
run following command in terminal / power shell
docker-compose up -d
when docker will finish building the containers, access the "laravel-react-app" container using following command
docker exec -it lr_app sh
now you will be inside container
run following commands
composer install && composer update
php artisan cron:refresh-database
php artisan key:gen
- if npm version < 7
npm install && npm run dev
elsenpm install --legacy-peer-deps && npm run dev
open browser and check the following address
- [x] Add Redux
- [x] Add Laravel Sanctum for authentication
- [x] User Login
- [x] User Register
- [x] Users Crud
- [x] Articles Crud
- [x] Form validation Client and Server
- [x] Reset Password
- [x] Tests
- [x] Upgrade to Laravel 7
- [x] Upgrade to React 16.13
- [x] docker