moebooru icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
moebooru copied to clipboard

Moebooru, a fork of danbooru1 that has been heavily modified

Results 37 moebooru issues
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Want to upload a video of about 200 mb but the bar doesn't move and I have to keep veryfiying by doing the captcha this is on mobile

No amount of reloading or jumping to other sections makes it disappear, and there appears to be no direct ways of stopping it either

Right now there seems to be no way to directly fetch a post's JSON representation by its ID other than by querying [`/post.json?tags=id:1234`]( This is somewhat inconvenient, as it means...

When writing a program that needs to keep itself up to date with the upstream site, it is useful to have some sort of event stream for that program to...

See: It still works for JPEG post like

Just wondering if anyone out there is working on a better mobile implementation of Sakugabooru. More people use Androids and iPhones than desktops these days. It could be extremely beneficial...

Steps to reproduce: 1. Open 2. Move to edit tag textarea 3. Add a space in front of "high_school_fleet" to trigger autocomplete 4. Chrome freezes at or around...

I tried to use it, but have no idea what is `history_id`. For example for [post 817023](, I tried to put either the change id `3790450` or another id I...

As far as i can tell by reading the API Documentation provided by the help pages, and a little experimentation, the API doesn't support any way to retrieve information about...