fred copied to clipboard
Initializing JS function from data-fred-on-drop not working.
I'm trying to reinitialize Zurb Foundation interchange when an element is dropped into a dropzone. It does not appear to be working, I'm not getting any JS errors or otherwise. just "not happening"
<section id="hero" class="hero about background-cover align-items-end default-height"
[{{interchange_hero_small}}, small],
[{{interchange_hero_medium}}, medium],
[{{interchange_hero_large}}, large],
........ some markup .......
I placed the reinit script in my app.js
function reinitInterchange() { console.log('reinitializing interchange') } `
I do get a log entry when the page loads, not when I drop the hero section into a dropzone.
Not sure what I can look at, the docs are pretty clear about just inserting a data attribute in the dropped markup.
My error, this does work as advertised. The error being I did not fully understand a "global" js script... This works.
window.reinitLazyInterchange = function() { console.log('init'); $('.reinitondrop').foundation().unveilInterchange(); }
Though is there an event when Fred initially loads? Would be useful for disabling things like lightbox galleries....