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Theme Packager Component for MODX Revolution (Beta)
ThemePackagerComponent (TPC) is a tool to build installable packages from objects and files within a MODX site. Possible uses include:
- Packaging a theme
- Packaging a new component or Extra
- Migrating specific objects from one site/environment to another
You can install TPC via the Package Manager in any MODX Revolution site, or download the latest package from:
TPC is a -dev release. This means it's still in development and not bug-free. In fact there are known issues with uninstalling some packages made with TPC. While TPC works very well for a narrow set of tested use cases, there are a potentially unlimited number of use cases in which it has not been tested at all, and in some cases may break your site, or the site in which the resulting package is installed into.
For mission-critical applications, and for those with the know-how, it's recommended to manually author build scripts.
Basic Usage
After installation, in the main menu of the Manager go to "Components" -> "ThemePackagerComponent". Specify a Name, Version and Release for your package, select the two checkboxes for "Package All..." and click the "Export Transport Package" button in the top right corner of the screen. You will be prompted to download the resulting package, which will contain all Resources, Elements, Sub-packages and contents of the assets/ folder in the current MODX site.
To install the package in another site, upload it to the {core_path}packages/ directory. Then in Package Management, click the small arrow next to the "Download Extras" button and select "Search Locally for Packages". Click "Yes" in the resulting dialog box, and your package should appear in the grid for installation, like any other MODX Extra or package.
Learn more about TPC in the Official Documentation.
Help make TPC better by reporting issues and submitting solutions
TPC is truly a team effort. Thanks to @opengeek for the Vapor technology, @netprophet for the integration with the legacy Packman UI, and @theboxer for ongoing maintenance, integration and improvements, as well as all the beta testers and contributors.
TPC is Copyright (c) MODX, LLC
For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE file that was distributed with this source code.