module-federation-examples copied to clipboard
Not able to run React with vite from the example
Im trying to see if Vite can work with React as I saw there are some issues for module federation for React. I'm not sure what is wrong, but when I clone this repo and run this locally with the commands mentioned, it throws the following error and doesn't load anything.
Even with this other repo, it throws the following error. It leads me to believe one of the dependencies might have broken
try enabling CORS, looks like a cors issue potentially, also check its using right react version which has createRoot
Vite by default have all origins enabled and using browser based extensions throw the same error. Requesting to reopen this ticket and actually run this locally to reproduce the error.
Ive fixed the example partially, but there are still some issues on the webpack side, i think it needs html webpack plugin if you want to send a pr adding it.
Let me try it out
Send pr if you make any progress, its likely missing html webpack plugin setup - it loos like some new version removes some presets that used to exist there.
I cloned this example and am getting the same issue. How could I solve it? Could you post a PR if you show me the problem.
Any progress on this issue ?
I am running into the same issue with example vite-react-microfrontends. react-dom and react are getting downloaded as expected but it is not getting set as expected.
@ScriptedAlchemy Any thoughts? Could you please clarify on your comment wrt html webpack plugin. This example does not use webpack plugin right?