Modmail copied to clipboard
add bot responses also in loglinks
when lookin in a loglink internal messages are shown send by users, would be great to see bots internal messages also in loglinks: https://usagi.xn--6frz82g/m0M5t6 in thread: https://usagi.xn--6frz82g/MJ0DRz
Image links are down.
Image links are down.
Transferred this issue to Modmail. Modmail currently does not store any messages from bots, so this'll need to be implemented here before adding to the logviewer.
A problem with storing bot responses is that we'll need to store embeds alongside the message. This means that the database format may need to be altered.
@Taaku18 Could end up having the bot messages stored as a raw message unless we are feeling fancy and adding embeds too.