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GameObjectContext pool memory leak fix. Todo: cover by test
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Issue Number: #118
What is the new behavior?
only failing test
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- [ ] Yes
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On real case it work fine, when my system frequently reloads the scenes, but test are fails. I not sure, that this test available at all, because .Net Garbage Collector has no exact dispose method call time (correct me, if i am not right)...
On which Unity version has this been tested?
- [ ] 2020.4 LTS
- [ ] 2020.3
- [x] 2020.2
- [ ] 2020.1
- [ ] 2019.4 LTS
- [ ] 2019.3
- [ ] 2019.2
- [ ] 2019.1
- [ ] 2018.4 LTS
Scripting backend:
- [x] Mono
- [x] IL2CPP
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Seems that StaticMemoryPoolRegistry is cause of leaks. It is only Editor feature. But in some cases it is big trouble. For example - the scanning anti-cheat system for editor...
Maybe WeakReference is key to solve this:
namespace Zenject
public static class StaticMemoryPoolRegistry
public static event Action<IMemoryPool> PoolAdded = delegate {};
public static event Action<IMemoryPool> PoolRemoved = delegate {};
readonly static List<WeakReference> _pools = new List<WeakReference>();
public static IEnumerable<WeakReference> Pools
get { return _pools; }
public static void Add(IMemoryPool memoryPool)
_pools.Add(new WeakReference(memoryPool));
public static void Remove(IMemoryPool memoryPool)
_pools.RemoveWithConfirm(new WeakReference(memoryPool));
yes, my code is working... but i changed MpmView.cs too, for output correct pools and exclude memory leaks. I can make pool request