Unity3dAsyncAwaitUtil copied to clipboard
warning CS0618: UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest.Send() is obsolete
Hey, really cool utility! Makes it really painless to use the new async/await features.
I noticed when I run my game I get the following warning in the console:
Assets/Plugins/AsyncAwaitUtil/Tests/AsyncUtilTests.cs(213,27): warning CS0618:
`UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest.Send()' is obsolete: `Use SendWebRequest.
It returns a UnityWebRequestAsyncOperation which contains a reference to the WebRequest object.'
Just switch to .SendWebRequests(), it works the same way. Only the example would have to be updated.
The name 'SendWebRequests' does not exist in the current context
Actually its just 'SendWebRequest' - there is no 's'.