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DI-framework, inspired by python-dependency-injector, but without wiring. Python 3.12 is supported

"That Depends"

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This package is dependency injection framework for Python, mostly inspired by python-dependency-injector.

It is production-ready and gives you the following:

  • Fully-async simple DI framework with IOC-container.
  • Python 3.10-3.12 support.
  • Full coverage by types annotations (mypy in strict mode).
  • FastAPI and Litestar compatibility.
  • Zero dependencies.
  • Overriding dependencies for tests.

Main characteristics:

  1. Fully async -> means every dependency resolving is async, so you should construct with await keyword:
from tests.container import DIContainer

async def main():
    some_dependency = await DIContainer.independent_factory()
  1. No wiring for injections in function arguments -> achieved by decision that only one instance of container is supported
from tests import container
from that_depends import Provide, inject

async def some_function(
    independent_factory: container.IndependentFactory = Provide[container.DIContainer.independent_factory],
) -> None:
    assert independent_factory.dep1



pip install that-depends


DI-container with dependencies:

import dataclasses
import logging
import typing

from that_depends import BaseContainer, providers

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def create_sync_resource() -> typing.Iterator[str]:
    logger.debug("Resource initiated")
    yield "sync resource"
    logger.debug("Resource destructed")

async def create_async_resource() -> typing.AsyncIterator[str]:
    logger.debug("Async resource initiated")
    yield "async resource"
    logger.debug("Async resource destructed")

@dataclasses.dataclass(kw_only=True, slots=True)
class IndependentFactory:
    dep1: str
    dep2: int

@dataclasses.dataclass(kw_only=True, slots=True)
class SyncDependentFactory:
    independent_factory: IndependentFactory
    sync_resource: str

@dataclasses.dataclass(kw_only=True, slots=True)
class AsyncDependentFactory:
    independent_factory: IndependentFactory
    async_resource: str

class DIContainer(BaseContainer):
    sync_resource = providers.Resource(create_sync_resource)
    async_resource = providers.AsyncResource(create_async_resource)

    independent_factory = providers.Factory(IndependentFactory, dep1="text", dep2=123)
    sync_dependent_factory = providers.Factory(
    async_dependent_factory = providers.Factory(

Usage with Fastapi:

import contextlib
import typing

import fastapi
from starlette import status
from starlette.testclient import TestClient

from tests import container

async def lifespan_manager(_: fastapi.FastAPI) -> typing.AsyncIterator[None]:
    await container.DIContainer.tear_down()

app = fastapi.FastAPI(lifespan=lifespan_manager)

async def read_root(
        sync_dependency: typing.Annotated[
) -> str:
    return sync_dependency.async_resource

client = TestClient(app)

response = client.get("/")
assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK
assert response.json() == "async resource"

Usage with Litestar:

import typing
import fastapi
import contextlib
from litestar import Litestar, get
from litestar.di import Provide
from litestar.status_codes import HTTP_200_OK
from litestar.testing import TestClient

from tests import container

async def index(injected: str) -> str:
    return injected

async def lifespan_manager(_: fastapi.FastAPI) -> typing.AsyncIterator[None]:
    await container.DIContainer.tear_down()

app = Litestar(
    dependencies={"injected": Provide(container.DIContainer.async_resource)},

def test_litestar_di() -> None:
    with (TestClient(app=app) as client):
        response = client.get("/")
        assert response.status_code == HTTP_200_OK, response.text
        assert response.text == "async resource"




  • Resource initialized only once and have teardown logic.
  • Generator function is required.
import typing

from that_depends import BaseContainer, providers

def create_sync_resource() -> typing.Iterator[str]:
    # resource initialization
    yield "sync resource"
    # resource teardown

class DIContainer(BaseContainer):
    sync_resource = providers.Resource(create_sync_resource)


  • Same as Resource but async generator function is required.
import typing

from that_depends import BaseContainer, providers

async def create_async_resource() -> typing.AsyncIterator[str]:
    # resource initialization
    yield "async resource"
    # resource teardown

class DIContainer(BaseContainer):
    async_resource = providers.AsyncResource(create_async_resource)


  • Initialized only once, but without teardown logic.
  • Class or simple function is allowed.
import dataclasses

from that_depends import BaseContainer, providers

@dataclasses.dataclass(kw_only=True, slots=True)
class SingletonFactory:
    dep1: bool

class DIContainer(BaseContainer):
    singleton = providers.Singleton(SingletonFactory, dep1=True)


  • Initialized on every call.
  • Class or simple function is allowed.
import dataclasses

from that_depends import BaseContainer, providers

@dataclasses.dataclass(kw_only=True, slots=True)
class IndependentFactory:
    dep1: str
    dep2: int

class DIContainer(BaseContainer):
    independent_factory = providers.Factory(IndependentFactory, dep1="text", dep2=123)


  • Initialized on every call, as Factory.
  • Async function is required.
import datetime

from that_depends import BaseContainer, providers

async def async_factory() -> datetime.datetime:

class DIContainer(BaseContainer):
    async_factory = providers.Factory(async_factory)


  • List provider contains other providers.
  • Resolves into list of dependencies.
import random
from that_depends import BaseContainer, providers

class DIContainer(BaseContainer):
    random_number = providers.Factory(random.random)
    numbers_sequence = providers.List(random_number, random_number)