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bin/data-mining-monthly.sh stops with response timeout
bin/data-mining-monthly.sh frequently stops during the step osm-vis/osm-tags-word-frequency-wiki with a response timeout. Re-running the script sometimes solves the problem. The full error message is as follows:
Preprocessing executable 'tool' for tool-0.1.0...
Running tool...
tool: HttpExceptionRequest Request {
host = "wiki.openstreetmap.org"
port = 443
secure = True
requestHeaders = []
path = "/wiki/de:Map_Features"
queryString = ""
method = "GET"
proxy = Nothing
rawBody = False
redirectCount = 10
responseTimeout = ResponseTimeoutDefault
requestVersion = HTTP/1.1
Could you try whether increasing the number of seconds before timeout for a curl request solves the issue? see http://hackage.haskell.org/package/curl-1.3.8/docs/Network-Curl-Opts.html#t:CurlOption
That is, something like
downloadRaw = fmap snd . flip curlGetString [CurlTimeout 600] . urlWikiRaw . fromMaybe "" . stripPrefix urlWikiPrefix
in line 109 in file https://github.com/mocnik-science/osm-vis/blob/master/data-mining/osm-tags-word-frequency-wiki/tool.hs
Thanks. With a CurlTimeout 600
the manual restart went through now. As it also worked sometimes before, I would like to keep this issue open until the next monthly data mining passed successfully.
Unfortunately this still does not work reliably. Maybe we need to think about a different way of doing this.