electron-color-picker icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
electron-color-picker copied to clipboard

Pick color from Desktop, suitable for use with Electron.


i:npm i:size i:npm-dev

Pick color from Desktop, in Electron.

  • Example
  • Usage
  • Advanced Usage


On Windows & MacOS will use our native color-picker.

On Linux will use SCROT to get screenshot and pick color from it. The idea is directly borrowed from package desktop-screenshot.

Error will be thrown:

  • when try to start multiple color-picker.
  • on unsupported platform.


📁 example/

Basic implementation of using DOM Button to trigger color picking, and pass result back through ipc.

Try example with:

cd example/

npm install

npm run-dev # for debug with electron
# or
npm run-prod # for electron-packager output

For a more detailed explanation of the example setup, check: example/concept.md


First add this package to your project:

npm install electron-color-picker

Sample function saveColorToClipboard():

const { clipboard } = require('electron')
const {

  // for more control and customized checks
  DARWIN_IS_PLATFORM_PRE_CATALINA, // darwin only, undefined on other platform
  darwinGetColorHexRGB, // darwin only, throw error on other platform
  darwinGetScreenPermissionGranted, // darwin only, throw error on other platform
  darwinRequestScreenPermissionPopup // darwin only, throw error on other platform
} = require('electron-color-picker')

const saveColorToClipboard = async () => {
  // color may be '#0099ff' or '' (pick cancelled with ESC)
  const color = await getColorHexRGB().catch((error) => {
    console.warn('[ERROR] getColor', error)
    return ''
  console.log(`getColor: ${color}`)
  color && clipboard.writeText(color)

if (process.platform === 'darwin' && !DARWIN_IS_PLATFORM_PRE_CATALINA) {
  const darwinScreenPermissionSample = async () => {
    const isGranted = await darwinGetScreenPermissionGranted() // initial check
    console.log('darwinGetScreenPermissionGranted:', isGranted)
    if (!isGranted) { // request user for permission, no result, and will not wait for user click
      await darwinRequestScreenPermissionPopup()
      console.warn('no permission granted yet, try again')
      return ''
    const color = await darwinGetColorHexRGB().catch((error) => {
      console.warn('[ERROR] getColor', error)
      return ''
    console.log(`getColor: ${color}`)
    color && clipboard.writeText(color)

Advanced Usage

To pull deeper code for specific platform, consider direct require/import the platform index file. Do read the source code and check the functionality though.

const { // code with simple mutex wrapper
} = require('electron-color-picker')

const { // platform specific function, with less check
} = require('electron-color-picker/library/darwin/index.js')