Robert Fletcher

Results 145 comments of Robert Fletcher

I guess what I was thinking is that RuboCop runs on the entire file, but then filters out any violations that are not part of the line numbers from the...

You know, to me, that seems like an acceptable tradeoff. When we're talking about transitional linters, it's less important to me that it be 100% perfect all of the time....

I'm game. I've put a bunch of work into the RMagick gem, along with [a couple of other great contributors]( I don't have a ton of time for actual coding...

Thanks for the recommendation @MSP-Greg. For now we disabled installation of rubocop in windows. Do you know what exactly you did to get it installing correctly?

@MSP-Greg Yeah, [on RMagick]( If you're game to get it working for us, it would be much appreciated. Otherwise, I'll try poking around in the near future. I think we...

Ah, yes. Seconds. Updated.

Not sure how TDDium handles its parallelization, though I have seen this problem in single threaded runs, too.

Actually, I wonder if this explains it: Basically, Ruby time is in nanosecond precision. My guess is that while we're truncating by calling `to_i` it's getting rounded up when...

One solution that seems like it will work then is: ``` ruby it 'updates archived_at with the current time' do timestamp = Timecop.freeze( do campaign.update_attributes(:archived => "true") expect(campaign.archived_at.to_i).to eq...

Or even cleaner: ``` ruby it 'updates archived_at with the current time' do time = Timecop.freeze(time) do campaign.update_attributes(:archived => "true") expect(campaign.archived_at).to eq time end end ``` Do you think...