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Elixir Phoenix Client for Channels
Channel client for connecting to Phoenix from Elixir
Add phoenix_client
and a json library as dependencies in your mix.exs
is specified as the default json library.
def deps do
{:phoenix_client, "~> 0.3"},
{:jason, "~> 1.0"}
If you choose to use a different json library, you can set it through the socket options.
There are two things required to connect to a phoenix server using channels, a
and a PhoenixClient.Channel
. The socket establishes
the connection to the remote socket. The channel takes a topic and is used
to join a remote channel. In the following example we will assume that we are
attempting to communicate with a locally running phoenix server with a RoomChannel
with the topic room:lobby
configured to route to the RoomChannel
in the UserSocket
First, Lets create a client socket:
socket_opts = [
url: "ws://localhost:4000/socket/websocket"
{:ok, socket} = PhoenixClient.Socket.start_link(socket_opts)
The socket will automatically attempt to connect when it starts. If the socket
becomes disconnected, it will attempt to reconnect automatically.
Please note that start_link
is not synchronous so you must wait for the
socket to become connected before attempting to join a channel.
You can control how frequently the socket will attempt to reconnect by setting
in the socket_opts.
Next, we will create a client channel and join the remote.
{:ok, _response, channel} = PhoenixClient.Channel.join(socket, "rooms:lobby")
Now that we have successfully joined the channel, we are ready to push and receive
new messages. Pushing a message can be done synchronously or asynchronously. If
you require a reply, or want to institute a time out, you can call push
. If
you do not require a response, you can call push_async
In this example, we will assume the server channel has the following handle_in
def handle_in("new:msg", message, socket) do
{:reply, {:ok, message}, socket}
def handle_in("new:msg_async", _message, socket) do
{:noreply, socket}
message = %{hello: :world}
{:ok, ^message} = PhoenixClient.Channel.push(channel, "new:msg", message)
:ok = PhoenixClient.Channel.push_async(channel, "new:msg_async", message)
Messages that are pushed or broadcasted to the client channel will be sent to the
pid that called join
. Messages will be of the of the struct %PhoenixClient.Message{}
In this example we will assume the server channel has the following handle_in
def handle_in("new:msg", message, socket) do
push(socket, "incoming:msg", message)
{:reply, :ok, socket}
message = %{hello: :world}
{:ok, ^message} = PhoenixClient.Channel.push(channel, "new:msg", message)
channel_pid: #PID<0.186.0>,
event: "incoming:msg",
payload: %{"hello" => "world"},
ref: nil,
topic: "room:lobby"
Common configuration
You can configure the socket to be started in your main application supervisor. You will need to name the socket so it can be referenced from your channel.
socket_opts =
Application.get_env(:phoenix_client, :socket)
children = [
{PhoenixClient.Socket, {socket_opts, name: PhoenixClient.Socket}}
You will need a socket for each server you are connecting to. Here is an example for connecting to multiple remote servers.
socket_1_opts =
Application.get_env(:phoenix_client, :socket_1)
socket_2_opts =
Application.get_env(:phoenix_client, :socket_2)
children = [
{PhoenixClient.Socket, {socket_1_opts, name: :socket_1, id: :socket_id_1}},
{PhoenixClient.Socket, {socket_2_opts, name: :socket_1, id: :socket_id_2}}
Channels are usually constructed in a process such as a GenServer
. Here is an
example of how this is typically used.
defmodule MyApp.Worker do
use GenServer
alias PhoenixClient.{Socket, Channel, Message}
# start_link ...
def init(_opts) do
{:ok, _response, channel} = Channel.join(Socket, "room:lobby")
{:ok, %{
channel: channel
# do some work, call `Channel.push` ...
def handle_info(%Message{event: "incoming:msg", payload: payload}, state) do
IO.puts "Incoming Message: #{inspect payload}"
{:noreply, state}