DepthChart icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
DepthChart copied to clipboard


DepthChart 深度图

注意:图1深度图横坐标是以档位为单位,纵坐标是以档位数量为单位 ,图2深度图横坐标是以价格占比进行划分,中间可能有缺口出现,纵坐标是以档位数量为单位(代码在DepthChart_price文件夹里)




  • iOS 8+
  • Xcode 8+
  • Swift 4.0+
  • iPhone/iPad


view.delegate = self
extension ViewController: CHKDepthChartDelegate {
    /// 图表的总条数
    /// 总数 = 买方 + 卖方
    /// - Parameter chart:
    /// - Returns:
    func numberOfPointsInDepthChart(chart: CHDepthChartView) -> Int {
        return self.depthDatas.count
    /// 每个点显示的数值项
    /// - Parameters:
    ///   - chart:
    ///   - index:
    /// - Returns:
    func depthChart(chart: CHDepthChartView, valueForPointAtIndex index: Int) -> CHKDepthChartItem {
        return self.depthDatas[index]
    /// y轴以基底值建立
    /// - Parameter depthChart:
    /// - Returns:
    func baseValueForYAxisInDepthChart(in depthChart: CHDepthChartView) -> Double {
        return 0
    /// y轴以基底值建立后,每次段的增量
    /// - Parameter depthChart:
    /// - Returns:
    func incrementValueForYAxisInDepthChart(in depthChart: CHDepthChartView) -> Double {
        //        var step = self.maxAmount / 4
        //        var j = 0
        //        while step / 10 > 1 {
        //            j += 1
        //            step = step / 10
        //        }
        //        //幂运算
        //        var pow: Int = 1
        //        if j > 0 {
        //            for _ in 1...j {
        //                pow = pow * 10
        //            }
        //        }
        //        step = Float(lroundf(step) * pow)
        //        return Double(step)
        let step = Double(self.maxAmount / 4)
        print("setp == \(step)")
        return step
    /// 纵坐标值显示间距
    func widthForYAxisLabelInDepthChart(in depthChart: CHDepthChartView) -> CGFloat {
        return 30
    /// 纵坐标值
    func depthChart(chart: CHDepthChartView, labelOnYAxisForValue value: CGFloat) -> String {
        if value >= 1000{
            let newValue = value / 1000
            return newValue.ch_toString(maxF: 0) + "K"
        }else {
            return value.ch_toString(maxF: 1)
    /// 价格的小数位
    func depthChartOfDecimal(chart: CHDepthChartView) -> Int {
        return 4
    /// 量的小数位
    func depthChartOfVolDecimal(chart: CHDepthChartView) -> Int {
        return 6
    //    /// 自定义点击显示信息view
    //    func depthChartShowItemView(chart: CHDepthChartView, Selected item: CHKDepthChartItem) -> UIView? {
    //        let view = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 60, height: 60))
    //        view.backgroundColor =
    //        return view
    //    }
    //    /// 点击标记图
    //    func depthChartTagView(chart: CHDepthChartView, Selected item: CHKDepthChartItem) -> UIView? {
    //        let view = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 20, height: 20))
    //        view.backgroundColor =
    //        return view
    //    }


     - parameter chart:
     - returns:
    @objc optional func depthChartShowItemView(chart: CHDepthChartView,Selected item: CHKDepthChartItem) -> UIView?
     - parameter chart:
     - returns:
    @objc optional func depthChartTagView(chart: CHDepthChartView,Selected item: CHKDepthChartItem) -> UIView?


// MARK: - 扩展样式
extension CHKLineChartStyle {
    /// 深度图样式
    static var depthStyle: CHKLineChartStyle = {
        let style = CHKLineChartStyle()
        style.labelFont = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 10)
        style.lineColor = UIColor(white: 0.7, alpha: 1)
        style.backgroundColor = UIColor.white
        style.textColor = UIColor(white: 0.5, alpha: 1)
        style.padding = UIEdgeInsets(top: 0, left: 0, bottom: 0, right: 0)
        style.isInnerYAxis = false
        style.showYAxisLabel = .right
        /// 买单居右
        style.bidChartOnDirection = .left
        style.borderWidth = (0, 0, 0, 0)
        style.enableTap = true
        //买方深度图层的颜色 UIColor(hex:0xAD6569) UIColor(hex:0x469777)
        style.bidColor = (UIColor(hex:0xAD6569), UIColor(hex:0xAD6569), 1)
        //        style.askColor = (UIColor(hex:0xAD6569), UIColor(hex:0xAD6569), 1)
        style.askColor = (UIColor(hex:0x469777), UIColor(hex:0x469777), 1)
        //        style.bidColor = (UIColor(hex:0x469777), UIColor(hex:0x469777), 1)
        return style

该项目属于二次开发,基于一个swiftK线 项目开发
