Doger icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Doger copied to clipboard

Used to be the official dogecoin IRC tipbot. Discontinued as of May 2020.


IRC tip bot in python.


  • RPC library - From here or pypi.
  • Dogecoind - From here, you need the dogecoind binary.
  • Postgres - From here, python binding from here
  • Python - Obviously.


  • Create a file in the same folder as the code named, and put the following into it:
config = {
	"host": "",
	"port": 6667,
# optional:
#	"ipv6": True,
#	"bindhost": "",
	"user": "identname",
	"rname": "Real name",
	"confirmations": 4,
	"account": "nickservaccountname",
	"password": "nickservpassword",
	"admins": {
		"unaffiliated/johndoe": True # hosts/cloaks of admins
	"prefix": "!", # the trigger character
# optional:
#	"ssl": {
#		"certs": "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt"
#	},
	"instances": {
		"nick1": ["#channel1", "#channel2"],
		"nick2": ["#channel3"]
# optional:
#	"ignore": {
#		"cost": 10, # score added for every command
#		"limit": 80, # max allowed score
#		"timeout": 240 # ignore length
#	},
	"logfile": "path/to/log",
# optional:
#	"irclog": ("nick1", "#logchannel"),
	"database": "name of pgsql database"
  • Add the following to the dogecoin.conf:
blocknotify=/usr/bin/touch blocknotify/blocknotify
  • Create a postgres database with the following schema:
CREATE TABLE accounts (account character varying(16) NOT NULL, balance bigint DEFAULT 0, CONSTRAINT balance CHECK ((balance >= 0)));
CREATE TABLE address_account (address character varying(34) NOT NULL, account character varying(16), used bit(1) DEFAULT B'0'::"bit" NOT NULL);
CREATE TABLE locked (account character varying(16));
CREATE TABLE lastblock (block character varying(64));
CREATE TABLE txlog (timestamp double precision, token character varying(8), source character varying(16), destination character varying(16), amount bigint, transaction character varying(64), address character varying(34));
INSERT INTO lastblock VALUES ('0');
ALTER TABLE accounts ADD CONSTRAINT accounts_pkey PRIMARY KEY (account);
ALTER TABLE address_account ADD CONSTRAINT address_account_pkey PRIMARY KEY (address);
ALTER TABLE address_account ADD CONSTRAINT address_account_account_fkey FOREIGN KEY (account) REFERENCES accounts(account);
ALTER TABLE locked ADD CONSTRAINT locked_pkey PRIMARY KEY (account);

Running it:

  • Start up the dogecoin daemon (dogecoind)
  • Launch the bot with python