I needed a function for getting the members of a group. I have implemented it and wanted to create a pull request The syntax function is: `Get-GitlabGroupMembers -Id ` or...
# PR Summary Allows to take advantage of the filter parameter defined in the API v6.0 Defines a new parameterset specific for v6.0 onwards, and ensure that the existing top...
What is the best way to assign a shortcut to the buttons? - Using keyPress/keyDown events on main Ribbon control? - Using the key preview property of the parent form?...
### Steps to reproduce Once configured the module with Set-VSTeamAccount: ```powershell Set-VSTeamAccount -Account myOrganization -PersonalAccessToken myToken -Version AzD -Level User Set-VSTeamDefaultProject MyProject ``` If we close the powersell session and...
### Proposal I wanted to create Add, Get, Remove, Update -VSTeamEnvironment cmdlets [API documentation]( I have a preview working version of Get-VSTeamEnvironment with this syntax ```powershell Get-VSTeamEnvironment [-Id] -ProjectName ```...
### Background Because the lack of a specific API for this, or because an unexpected behaviour of the current API , it is hard to distinguish between project scoped feeds...
### Steps to reproduce ```powershell $build = Get-VSTeamBuild -Definitions $pipelineId -ResultFilter succeeded -Top 1 $artifacts = Get-VSTeamBuildArtifact -id $ Invoke-VSTeamRequest -NoProject -area resources -resource Containers -id "$($" -QueryString @{ itemPath...
# PR Summary This PR is related to #518 Adding the below changes around the Update-VSTeamWorkItem to enable adding relations to another workitems. This could be achived using: - Update-VSTeamWorkItem:...
### Proposal Add a similar parameter as existing AdditionalFields, for example -Relations. This parameter can be a hashtable like this: ``` $rel = @( [pscustomobject]@{ Relation = "Parent" Id =...
# PR Summary Some endpoints in Azure DevOps APIs version 6.0 and above use continuationToken as part of the body response or X-MS-ContinuationToken header In both cases it is possible...