I my case, it returns always the same first 77 users. PS> (Get-VSTeamUserEntitlement).Count 77 PS> (Get-VSTeamUserEntitlement -Top 1).Count 77 PS> (Get-VSTeamUserEntitlement -Top 1000).Count 77 I have 1539 users VSTeam version...
Thanks, changing `Set-VSTeamAPIVersion -Service MemberEntitlementManagement -Version 5.1-preview.2` it did the work I think this is because the REST API changed some time from v5.1 to v6.0 - In 5.1 [Get...
I think it's complicated to change the internal implementation keeping the current parameters For the -top parameter: Use the continuation token to call the API up to get the -top...
I would like to propose this new syntax for the command. If you agree I can try to go to a PR ``` Get-VSTeamUserEntitlement [-Top ] [-Skip ] [-Select ]...
@SebastianSchuetze , working on it. I have some doubts: How do you think is the best way to return the ContinuationToken? - I'm thinking to set a global variable (i..e...
I created tests and documentation. Now trying how to figure out a generic method to manage the continuationToken. Still working most of the changes on my local fork, not PR...
Hi @SebastianSchuetze I'm investigating how to extract the continuationToken management block to a generic function. I see some problems here: * API endpoints that use the continuationToken do that...
Finaly I resolved as below. If it is ok for you, I'm ready to finish the PR Method: In a future, it may be necessary add the same parameters that...
@SebastianSchuetze, any chance to review my last comments on PR #459 ?
@SebastianSchuetze, Understood. The main problem is that the new API in v6.0 doesn't support filtering by ID. See [$filter parameter]( The workaround I see is: check if ParameterSetName -eq 'ById'...