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read_snirf_aux_data() / fails when /nirs/aux/dataTimeSeries is 2D array
Describe the bug
The example aux dataset used in the aux tutorial has /nirs/aux/dataTimeSeries in 1D format.
This means that read_snirf_aux_data() runs fine on this example dataset.
However, the snirf spec states that /nirs/aux/dataTimeSeries should be a 2D array.
Trying to read a /nirs/aux/dataTimeSeries 2D array with read_snirf_aux_data() fails on line 56 due to d containing 2D arrays
Steps to reproduce
Can't use the offical snirf samples for demonstration, because /nirs/aux/time in those files are 2D arrays, so this leads to another fail.
Use this file with the code below to reproduce .
import numpy as np
import logging
import h5py
from scipy import interpolate
from pandas import DataFrame
from import Raw
fname = r"04_25090.snirf"
dat = h5py.File(fname, 'r')
if 'nirs' in dat:
basename = "nirs"
elif 'nirs1' in dat:
basename = "nirs1"
raise RuntimeError("Data does not contain nirs field")
all_keys = list(dat.get(basename).keys())
aux_keys = [i for i in all_keys if i.startswith('aux')]
aux_names = [_decode_name(dat.get(f'{basename}/{k}/name'))
for k in aux_keys]
logging.debug(f"Found auxiliary channels {aux_names}")
d = {'times': raw.times}
for idx, aux in enumerate(aux_keys):
aux_data = np.array(dat.get(f'{basename}/{aux}/dataTimeSeries'))
aux_time = np.array(dat.get(f'{basename}/{aux}/time'))
aux_data_interp = interpolate.interp1d(aux_time, aux_data,
axis=0, bounds_error=False,
aux_data_matched_to_raw = aux_data_interp(raw.times)
d[aux_names[idx]] = aux_data_matched_to_raw
df = DataFrame(data=d)
df = df.set_index('times')
Expected results
Since /nirs/aux/dataTimeSeries should be 2D array it should work fine to read data stored in this way
Actual results
Fail due to code expecting a 1D array
Additional information
As a quick fix for my data I used .flatten() on the aux_data (line 48), but that's not really a fix in case the data is actually 2D.