Marek Novotný
Marek Novotný
Hi @denisabarar, you share logs from spark executors for the failed run?
> do you need the stdout and stderr? yes, please
@denisabarar stdout logs are crucial. They contain information from H2O nodes.
Hi @denisabarar, It looks strange to us that requests to train a glm model are coming to all H2O nodes (Spark executors). In H2O-3 cluster there is one node which...
Hi @denisabarar, sorry for the delay. I'm currently sick, but @krasinski will take a look.
Hi @denisabarar, Can you try to switch cluster mode from `High concurrency` to `Standard`? I remember hi had troubles with `High concurency` mode in past.
Hi @denisabarar, > I created this cluster, but still end up in a similar error, I attached the error message. This error is differrent. ``` ERROR: Unexpected HTTP Status code:...
@mmalohlava Any further plans with this stale PR or can we close?
cc @honzasterba @michalkurka
Hi @dataspekulant, This isn't currently supported. However, there is a plan to change it, you can track the progress of