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Implementation of Spatial Role Labeling using the Spacy NLP framework.


This repository implements an easy to use Spatial Role Labeling module trained on three entities (TRAJECTOR, SPATIAL_INDICATOR, LANDMARK) and the relations appearing on the SpRL 2013 IAPR TC-12 dataset.


  • spacy >=2.0.0a18 and the necessary requirements (Does NOT work with Spacy versions 2.1.x and above)
  • sklearn
  • scipy
  • pickle for python 3.7.0
  • problog for use with ProbLog.


  1. Clone this repository where you want to use it.
  2. Download the two models from the releases page and put them in the models/ directory.
  3. Import spacy and sprl and use them like the following example:
import spacy
from sprl import *

nlp = spacy.load('models/en_core_web_lg-sprl')

sentence = "An angry big dog is behind us."

rel = sprl(sentence, nlp, model_relext_filename='models/model_svm_relations.pkl')


If everything went fine you should get something like:

[(An angry big dog, behind, us, 'direction')]

You can also run sprl_cmd.py to get a continuous input to test how well various sentences are processed:

$ python3 sprl_cmd.py


If you happen to have problog installed, I have made a library that allows you to process sentences and produce a set of first order predicates that express the spatial relations within it. For example you can do something like in pl/test_sprl.pl:


run_all :- sprl_process_sentence('An angry big dog is behind us.').
query(extent(X, Extent)).
query(srtype(X, Y)).

which you can run with:

$ PYTHONPATH="../sprl" problog test_sprl.pl

and get the following output:

              extent(lm0,us):	1
          extent(sp0,behind):	1
extent(tr0,An angry big dog):	1
        gtype(st0,direction):	1
               landmark(lm0):	1
                     run_all:	1
      spatial_indicator(sp0):	1
       spatial_relation(sr0):	1
             srtype(sr0,st0):	1
                 srtype(st0):	1
              trajector(tr0):	1
            type(lm0,person):	1
            type(tr0,animal):	1

We can see for example that it identified and labeled the trajector, landmark and spatial indicator in the sentence, assigned them an id, identified the spatial relation and assigned it a general type of direction. It also assigned a type of person to the landmark us and animal to the trajector An angry big dog. For what those predicates mean and how they are used please see doc/sprl.html.


While the model has been trained by me, the relation extraction part uses features from the paper for Sprl-CWW (see below), and the dataset from SemEval 2013 Task 3: Spatial Role Labeling.

The features for relation extraction:

Nichols, Eric, and Fadi Botros. 
"SpRL-CWW: Spatial relation classification with independent multi-class models." 
Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation.

Semeval 2013 task 3: Spatial Role Labeling

Kolomiyets, Oleksandr, et al. 
"Semeval-2013 task 3: Spatial role labeling." 
Second Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics

So please cite the papers above, as well as spacy and ProbLog (if you use it) in your work :)