
Results 62 issues of Mikhail

The big downside of the current package's structure is that consumers have to pre-load the entire JSON file with all deployments to enable deployment lookup. While I don't think there's...

If you include an `eth_supportedEntryPoints` request in a batch, it returns an error saying the method is unsupported. Example request: ``` curl --location 'https://api.stackup.sh/v1/node/key' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data...

**THIS IS A BUG MIGRATED FROM JIRA. IT NEEDS TO BE REPRODUCED AND CONFIRMED FIRST** Steps: 1-Go to https://trading.staging.gnosisdev.com/ 2-Login in Metamask 3-Fill the fields and select Verify 4-Sign the...

**THIS IS A BUG MIGRATED FROM JIRA. IT NEEDS TO BE REPRODUCED AND CONFIRMED FIRST** **Pre-Conditions**: Use: https://trading.staging.gnosisdev.com/ Have a Wallet Verified **Steps**: 1.Go to Trading. 2.Log in Metamask plugin...

Acceptance Criteria: - User is able to log out - If last used provider is available, it should be initialised

💡Type: Feature

**Description** Initialisation of Gnosis.js RO connection fails, thus it fails to load token symbols, balance, etc. **To Reproduce** Steps to reproduce the behavior: 1. Run the project on development branch...

**As a user, I want to know what wallet provider I can use to use the dApp and also I want to be able to switch between them** **Main points**:...

💡Type: Feature

**As a user, I want the website to be fast** **Description**: To reduce the size of the initial bundle, implement lazy loading of modals **Acceptance Criteria** - Modals are lazy...

💡Type: Feature

**As a mobile user, I want to be able to use interface on mobile using status provider** **Description**: Create an integration with https://status.im/ and probably we need to create a...


**Description** To enable better caching mechanism we need CSS filename to be cached. It's already done for the JS bundle, you can check the example in our webpack configuration. **Acceptance...

💡Type: Feature