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Shapley Interactions for Machine Learning
At the moment, it is not really clear how to work with shapiq with custom game functions / value functions. For this a jupyter notebook showing how to do this...
In `shapiq`, the main data structure for coalitions and subsets are `np.ndarrays` (coals. and subs. are arrays). However, internally some objects, especially games, work with tuples of players. Sometimes the...
The Core is an established concept from cooperative game theory. The core is similar to the Shapley Value and other attribution measures. Computation is similarly exponential. The core might not...
Create an example notebook that walks through loading, setting up, and explaining a large language model. - The notebook should load a model from huggingface. - then the model should...
Add a notebook that showcases how shapiq can be used in the context of feature selection. This notebook could highlight how a feature selection game is specified and how shapiq...
Add a tutorial notebook showing how shapiq can be used in the context of data valuation. This notebook should explain how the data valuation problem can be framed as a...
Add a tutorial/example for the ELC/EC and how it compares to the Shapley (and maybe Banzhaf) value. The notebook should be written in an accessible mannar but can of course...
Add an example notebook showing how explaining predictive uncertainty can be framed as a cooperative game (aka InfoSHAP). Then it would be good to show how this can be done...
Made datavaluation example consisting of two parts: 1. A toy example of the data valuation scenario with cleaning/identifying flipped labels in data 2. A „real“California housing example restricting to 160...
Added functionality for Game to be called with both list of tuples or just a tuple. Depending on optional player names given to the game, the elements of the tuple(s)...