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Support DLC pkg files
Add ability to download & unpack DLC pkg files.
- should it be separate list of DLCs only?
- or have it install together with main pkg file? Allow to choose which ones or install all of them?
- ~~use ux0:bgdl mechanism or wait for better one? bgdl will require to reboot Vita, potentially multiple times.~~
Mmm....should it be separate list dlc, and install separate to pkg.
It would be done, at least for seperate dlc file. Also considering the formatting of the database file, it could be a csv instead, as that is the point of a Comma Separated Value spreadsheet. As for installing without having to restart, I've heard there are mixed results when you refresh the live area after copying them to bgdl. Refreshing supposedly shows the files ready to install, but some have said they ran into issues if they didn't reboot.
It turns out there is no need for bgdl for DLCs. Simply putting work.bin in correct folder will make promoter to correctly install DLC without any reboots, or 32 item limitation. It will be very smooth experience :)
pkg2zip is already updated to support creating DLCs in this format. So its just a question of porting its DLC code to pkgi & adding UI.
It should prompt you if there is DLC and you can decide if you want to download the game + DLC or game without DLC. Just not sure how to handle downloading the DLC later on especially if you plan on adding other features like uninstalling title, running a game from pkgi, etc like you mentioned in the other post. Maybe when selecting the game after it's been installed has another menu that has these features including "Download DLC" option.
Again, might I suggest multiple csv files instead of a single txt file? The way the file is set up it's basically just a CSV with a different file extension. What you can then do is have the csv for game data be read in one screen, and when you select the game/app to possibly install, it immediately does a lookup and finds all references in the DLC file with the same game ID. Some DLCs appear to have an extra number appended to their ID, like PCSE00012_1. As long as the first 9 characters match, I doubt it would be a problem.
Does PKGi Install Game Updates?
@Smoker1 it does not, but if you are sure update is not 3.61+, you can install latest through livearea.