pihole-regex copied to clipboard
Custom regex filter list for use with Pi-hole.
`ad` stands for "Active Directory" in the context of these urls which are necessary to use the Microsoft Azure Portal.
Tidal uses a range of subdomains to provide their content. The first regex in this project prevents Tidal applications from working (domain `sp-ad-fa.audio.tidal.com`). Adding this regex to whitelist solves the...
Closes: https://github.com/mmotti/pihole-regex/issues/56
`^stat(s|istics)?[0-9]*[_.-]` blocks https://stats.gallery/ that's why I think it should be added in whitelist
Looks like the error is tracking back on this... https://github.com/mmotti/pihole-regex/blob/22c7d626b200a263c0798126c9a20bd20ffb6f33/install.py#L91 Is there supposed to be a 'r' before the '/etc/pihole' /etc/pihole/ is the location when not running docker/etc.
I run two pihole docker instances. The install script fails in this case because `docker ps --filter name=pihole` can match and return multiple lines. This patch does the right thing...
Hey, The host url ad-client.mediafe-prd.s.joyn.de Is necassary for watching joyn on smart tvs. Please add this domain on your whitelist.
The ^ad([sxv]?[0-9]*|system)[_.-]([^.[:space:]]+\.){1,}|[_.-]ad([sxv]?[0-9]*|system)[_.-] regex blocks (for me it was a handful episodes of Lost, not all of them) shows on Hulu. Not sure why Lost, the Finals worked fine, not 100%...
Hello, Please consider white listing support.iam.ad.azure.com and main.iam.ad.ext.azure.com In the URLs above, IAM means Identity and Access Management. AD is active directory, not an advertisement. These two URLS are needed...
tiktok not working