Marc Morera
Marc Morera
yes, you can name a job with specific name, so if you define it, you can name it with same string :)
Hmmm, interesting :) I'll take a look :)
What do you propose?
ping @codecowboy
Maybe this process could be documented.
Ok, good first aprox. Some hints :) - Never, I repeat, Never, inject all the container if you don't really need to. In this case, you need to inject logger...
BTW, I'll se what are you asking me to fill ...
@codecowboy Agree... Maybe default values should be... - Tests - DependencyInjection - Resources - DataFixtures Could you please submit a PR with this changes?
Can you paste please your config.yml and your config_prod.yml please? - Only bundle related pieces
Can you please test this fix? Thks!