Marc Modat
Marc Modat
Hi, reg_f3d returns the warped floating (moving) image as well as the control point grid that encodes the transformation. The default name for the grid is `outputCPP.nii`. You can change...
Hi Curtis, Initially NiftyReg only had one algorithm, namely the default reg_f3d, a re-implementation of the classical Free-Form Deformation from Rueckert et al., that was implemented using C(++) and CUDA....
@onurulgen As mentioned earlier - I am finally able to allocate some time to NiftyReg. Looking at differences between this branch and master, it appears some discrepancies happen when using...
@onurulgen When you have a chance, could you go through the list of what still needs to be done before we finalise this branch and merge it back? Please add...
@onurulgen The block matching test added above fails in Release., but runs fine in Debug. There might be a trouble with CPU or CUDA block matching. I'll add some unit...
Morning @onurulgen, I was writing a test for the NMI gradient computation and found out that measures have to be initialised with a F3DContent. I think that NMI (and the...
@onurulgen Not sure what the rationale of the latest change - so I reverted some part, documented the rational and checked that it gave the same output that 1 month...
Thanks for lastest commit - will check and add tests.
Will start this soon as we are almost done with re-instating the CUDA code.