Marc Modat
Marc Modat
In gitlab by @rmharbr on Apr 17, 2018, 16:41 changed title from **reg_aladin v1.3.9 and v1.5 discrepancy** to **reg_aladin v1.3.9 and v1.5{+.58+} discrepancy**
In gitlab by @rmharbr on Apr 17, 2018, 16:41 changed the description
Error I got: [Error: .github#L1]( actions/checkout@v3 and lukka/get-cmake@latest are not allowed to be used in KCL-BMEIS/niftyreg. Actions in this workflow must be: within a repository owned by KCL-BMEIS. Will need...
Thank you for the suggestion @aktech. @onurulgen, could you look into this for us?
List of tests currently existing: - reg_test_affine_deformation_field - 2D - 3D - reg_test_bspline_deformation_field - 2D - 3D - 2D with composition - 3D with composition - reg_test_blockMatching - 2D -...
Hi - Slowly going back to it. Initially, the CUDA code was removed as it progressed to slow compared to the CPU code. In short, a lot of functionalities are...
Starting to re-architect f3d to re-instate the GPU code in issue #92
- reg_test_affine_deformation_field - 2D - 3D Added for identity, translation and full affine. Will now prioritise tests required for the new contents developments as part of #92
Hi Paul, Sorry, this has been left for a long time. Do you still have an issue? I can't think of a reason why reg_aladin would yield truncated line.
Hi, There are no other implementations of NiftyReg apart from the one in this repo. I'll be happy to jump on a call and go through the steps if this...