Android-Dynamic-Search-Adapter copied to clipboard
Source code for one for all list search adapter that provides a search feature to unlimited number of extending adapters for their individual lists when attached to recycler view.
An abstract recycler view adapter (One for all) that provides a search feature to unlimited number of extending adapters for their individual lists.
- Performance: O(n)
- Asynchronous
- One Search adapter for every usage.
- Accomodates Every list type which implements Searchable Interface.
- Its not a fixed dependency to be included in your project to increase redundancy.
- Its flexible to be converted in any library/SDK or modular form as per your requirement.
- Modifications/Enhancements can be made as required.
- Highly decoupled,optimized and clean code.
- No Obfuscation Required (Proguard/Dexguard).
- Complete Documentation.
- UI tested (Espresso).
- It would be a part of your project while not implying any 3rd-party involvement.
How to use ?
Just clone the project in Android Studio and run it.
For details read more on medium.