Another-Ripple icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Another-Ripple copied to clipboard

This is a Ripple effect in QML, that can be used everywhere.


This is a Ripple effect in QML, that can be used everywhere.

  1. Add .pri to your project

  2. Register qml type in main.cpp or anywhere

qmlRegisterType<AnotherRipple>("AnotherRipple", 1, 0, "SimpleRipple"); 
  1. import in qml
import AnotherRipple 1.0
  1. Use as an item inside another item:
          anchors.fill: parent;
          color: "#50ffa070"


acceptEvent This is false by default. if you change this to true, it means that Ripple item accepts the click(pressed) events and prevent them to receive to bottom layouts.

color This property sets Color of ripple effect.

clipRadius This property sets radius of Ripple Area to prevent painting out of corner.

xClipRadius This property sets only x in clipRadius property specially.

yClipRadius This property sets only y in clipRadius property specially.

node: by default clipRadius sets both x and y


pressed(int x , int y) It is used when an item like MouseArea masks Ripple item and doesn't allow clicking(pressing) Ripple item. you can call this and pass mouse x and y to it.