Michael Rose

Results 40 comments of Michael Rose

Looks like an encoding issue. Probably has more to do with how you have your Ruby environment setup than anything related to the theme's files. Give this thread on [jekyll/jekyll](https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll/issues/4268)...

I think this is something best left up to the theme user since it can be a bit heavy handed. I do this [exact thing](https://mademistakes.com/articles/using-jekyll-2016/#critical-path-css) with my personal site. A...

Since your questions are geared more towards modern front-end dev tools and topics I'd suggest you seek out tutorials and blog posts about each. They've all been covered in way...

I won't say never but probably not anytime soon as it would be a diversion. I'm putting most of my energy in maintaining just [one theme](https://github.com/mmistakes/minimal-mistakes) now and not really...

Looks cool. Do you know if there's a way for "guests" to add comments without having to login in with a GitHub account?

@chuckmasterson I just merged in [your comment](https://mademistakes.com/articles/improving-jekyll-static-comments/#comment-9). My understanding is you should get a notification email once a new comment is merged in. I'm going to do that now and...

That makes sense @chuckmasterson. Because I'm using `options[parent]` for nested comments it will only fire reply emails on child comments. The main thread sends `null` for that variable so no...

@zburgermeiszter Gave it a go this morning but trying to `POST` to `dev.staticman.net` was giving me errors. I had the same problem when I switched to the v2 API and...

@jimmyangel Would this method strip out HTML used in code blocks? Guess it depends on the type of site, but I could see the use for example code finding its...

For what it's worth I do something similar with pure Liquid and a Jekyll data file to add introductory text to various tag pages generated with the Autopage module. In...