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Add a Java monad like in Eta
I really found the eta solution for object methods interesting, and thought that it would be nice to have a java monad like that in idris-jvm.
Please note that Idris has a stronger and richer type system than Eta, and that possible alternatives (for example, implementing a Java context/resource type for ST) should also be considered.
That is very much true... Hadn't thought of it until you wrote it.
By the way, a limited version of the Java
monad from Eta should be fairly easy to implement, if you want it right now. Here is my take:
record Java a ret where
constructor MkJava
runJava : a -> JVM_IO ret
Functor (Java a) where
map f (MkJava action) = MkJava ((map f) . action)
Applicative (Java a) where
pure = MkJava . const . pure
(<*>) (MkJava action1) (MkJava action2) =
(\a => (action1 a) <*> action2 a)
Monad (Java a) where
(>>=) (MkJava action) f =
(\a => do
ret <- action a
let (MkJava action2) = f ret
action2 a
javaWith : a -> Java a ret -> JVM_IO ret
javaWith = flip runJava
io : JVM_IO ret -> Java a ret
io action = MkJava (const action)
withObject : a -> Java a ret -> Java b ret
withObject obj j =
io $ javaWith obj j
See it in action: