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LUT LDPC is a collection of software tools to design and test LDPC decoders based on discrete message passing decoding using lookup tables


  • Introduction
  • Quickstart
  • Installation
    • Requirements
    • Installing Dependencies
    • Cloning and Building
  • Usage
    • Designing LUT Decoders and testing Bit Error rate performance
      • Running the simulation
      • Evaluating the results
      • Comparing to other decoders
    • Density evolution
      • Running simulations
    • Generating codes
    • Optimizing the reuse pattern of LUTs
  • Codes, Ensembles and Trees
  • Creating VHDL Code for an Unrolled Decoder
  • Writing your own programs
  • Referencing
  • Literature


LUT-LDPC is a collection of software tools to design and test LDPC decoders based on discrete message passing decoding using lookup tables (LUTs), referred to as LUT decoders, cf. [1]. It is mainly written in C++ and relies on the IT++ for abstracting basic linear algebra and signal processing operations. Consequently, the LUT decoders can easily be integrated into more complex communication systems including concatenated coding and/or modulation.


All necessary steps to download and install LUT-LDPC as well as LUT-LDPC-VHDL and perform a reference decoder design on Ubuntu 17.10 are documented in the Quickstart guide. More detailed explanations of those steps are provide in the following sections.



The boost C++ libraries are used for file system abstraction and program I/O. IT++ is included via a submodlue because we had to do some patching to get access to internals of its classes. In order to successfully compile with IT++, you require its dependencies that are FFTW3, LAPACK an BLAS, cf. Often, those packages are included with your OS already, but usually as dynammically linked libraries.

The program has been tested on MacOSX and Linux, but with minor modification, will most likely also run on Windows. The following instructions refer to a Linux install.

Installing Dependencies

On modern Linux distributions you can fetch all neccesary software to build LUT-LDPC and required libraries using a package manager. E.g., on Ubuntu you can install them via

$ sudo apt-get install git build-essential cmake libboost-all-dev libfftw3-dev liblapack-dev libblas-dev

Cloning and Building

We favoured static over dynamic linking for portability, as we ran the compiled binaries on an inhomogeneous cluster of Linux hosts. Dynamically linked versions could be obtained by changing the Makefile appropriately.

To download and install the software open a terminal and enter

git clone --recursive
cd lut_ldpc
make install

This will compile and link the program as well as the patched IT++ library and install the programs locally within the lut_ldpc directory into the bin directory. By default, the libraries that are usually not included within your OS (boost and itpp) are linked statically to the binary for reasons of portability. So make is shorthand for make BUILD_TYPE=Release LINK_TYPE=static INSTALLDIR=bin.


LUT-LDPC consists of several programs and scripts, whose usage we will discuss in what follows. In general, we want to emphasize that LUT-LDPC is a research driven toolset. As such, its functionality should be used more like a library than via the included programs. Hence, the ways to interact with the programs are limited and applying the software to specific and complex scenarios requires the user to write and compile their own programs. To assist users with that, LUT-LDPC features Doxygen inline source code documentation.

Designing LUT Decoders and testing Bit Error rate performance

Running the simulation

ber_sim is capable of designing decoders and conducting bit error rate (BER) Monte Carlo simulations. It takes the following parameters, which can be displayed by

$ bin/ber_sim -h
    -b [ --basedir ] arg (=/absolute/path/to/lut_ldpc)  paths in params files are relative to this directory. Default: current direcroy
    -c [ --custom-name ] arg                            append this string at the end of the results file name
    -h [ --help ]                                       produce help message
    -p [ --params ] arg                                 input parameter file
    -s [ --seed ] arg (=0)                              random seed

Most importantly, the -p option specifies the parameter file to configure the simulation. An example of such a files is given below, which is a stripped down version of params/ber.ini.irregular.example:

   SNRdB    = 0:.5:4
   Nframes  = 1e2

   parity_filename = rate0.50_dv02-17_dc08-09_lut_q4_N500

   max_iter = 50
   design_thr = 0.88
   qbits_channel = 4
   qbits_message_uniform = 4

According to these settings, the ber_sim constructs a LUT decoder for an AWGN channel with noise standard deviation 0.88 (design_thr = 0.88). The channel LLRs are quantized with 4 bits resolution (qbits_channel = 4) and the message resolution is 4 bits throughout the decoding process (qbits_message_uniform = 4). For the LDPC code, the parity check matrix codes/rate0.50_dv02-17_dc08-09_lut_q4_N500.alist is used (parity_filename = rate0.50_dv02-17_dc08-09_lut_q4_N500) and for each SNR point (SNRdB = 0:.5:4) , at most 100 frames are simulated (Nframes = 1e2). The results as well as the decoder object of the simulation are automatically saved into the results directory, where the name is derived from the simulation setting ( The custom_name = option can be used to apped a string to the auto generated results name).

So running

$ bin/ber_sim -p params/ber.ini.irregular.example



As we can see, the folder RES_N500_R0.5_maxIter50_zcw0_frames100_minLUT is generated containing the original parameter file, the decoder object ( as well as the results file

Evaluating the results

The results can now be visualized using the MATLAB script scripts/analyze_results.m

K>> addpath scripts;
K>> analyze_results('results, {}')

Comparing to other decoders

Have a look at params/ber.ini.irregular.example for different configuration options. ber_sim also supports conventional belief propagation (BP) decoding and min-sum decoding. We patched IT++ to support decoding with finite bit width to compare low resolution BP and LUT decoding.

Density evolution

Running simulations

de_sim is the program to run density evolution simulation. Except for the -h option, in only takes a parameter file via the -p option:

$ bin/ber_sim -p params/de_sim.ini.example

To simulate params/de.ini.example

thr_min = 1e-7
thr_prec = 1e-5
Pe_max = 1e-10
maxiter_de = 2000
max_ni_de_iters = 1
LLR_max = 25.0
results_name = results/rate0.50_dv02-17_dc08-09_lut_q4_minLUT1_de-auto-bin-balanced_example.txt
ensemble_filename = ensembles/rate0.50_dv02-17_dc08-09_lut_q4.ens

min_lut = true
qbits = 4 4
tree_mode = auto_bin_balanced
irregular_design_strategy = joint_root

Produces the output results/rate0.50_dv02-17_dc08-09_lut_q4_minLUT1_de-auto-bin-balanced_example.txt containing

==== DE Threshold for ensemble file ensembles/rate0.50_dv02-17_dc08-09_lut_q4.ens (Rate = 0.5, BI-AWGN channel)
Active Variable node degrees: [2 3 9 17]
pmf of Variable node edges: [0.138045 0.401038 0.026586 0.434331]
Active Check node degrees: [8 9]
pmf of Check node edges: [0.323376 0.676624]
-- SIMULATION PARAMETERS  Search Window = [1e-07, 1]
Threshold precision = 1e-05
Convergence error probability = 1e-10
Maximum Number of message passing iterations = [2000]
MinLut Algorithm used = 1
LUT Tree design mode = auto_bin_balanced
LUT table design mode = joint_root
LUT reuse iter vec = [0]
Non improving iterations tolerated before terminating = 1
Resolutions [channel bits, message bits; ...] = [[4 4]]
Program git version = 2809f10085499f057cb4e5f38f24afc0afe7c406
Bisection iterations until convergence = [20]
Stable lam2 degrees at thresholds = [0.131418]
Threshold(s) found = [0.929193]
Eb/N0 corresponding to thresholds = [0.637884]

Generating codes

In [2], we found out that for irregular codes under LUT decoding, degree distributions must be optimized. To generate codes from optimized degree distributions, this repository contains a copy of the PEG [5 program which is freely available at The copy resides in the peg subdirectory and must be compiled separately

$ cd peg
$ make

Since the peg program expects degree distributions in a slightly different format and doesn't use the .alist format for outputting parity check matrices, we wrote the script to directly convert ensembles to .alist files. The script makes use of the programs ens2deg and dat2alist to convert intputs and outputs to the peg program. E.g., to create a parity check matrix for a length 1000 rate 1/2 code from the degree distribution ensembles/rate0.50_dv02-17_dc08-09_lut_q4.ens and save it under codes/rate0.50_dv02-17_dc08-09_lut_q4_N1000.alist,

$ scripts/ 500 1000 codes/rate0.50_dv02-17_dc08-09_lut_q4_N1000.alist ensembles/rate0.50_dv02-17_dc08-09_lut_q4.ens

Optimizing the reuse pattern of LUTs

In general, every iteration of a LUT decoder implements different LUTs. LUTs can be reused for more than one iteration, however, the pattern of reuse must be carefully designed. We provide the reuse_vec_opt program to do this:

$ bin/reuse_vec_opt --help
    Called program via
    reuse_vec_opt --help
        -m [ --min-approx ]                         Approximate Check Node Updates
        --quant-bits-msg arg (=4)                   Number of quantization bits for messages
        --quant-bits-cha arg (=4)                   Number of quantization bits for channel outputs
        -t [ --threshold ] arg                      Noise value to run DE. If not provided, found by bisction bisec_search
        -e [ --ensemble ] arg                       Filename for initial ensemble
        -i [ --iterations ] arg (=100)              Number of Message passing iterations
        -d [ --degree-dist ] arg                    Degree ditribution is the form, "VN_degrees / VN_probabilities / CN_degrees / CN_probabilities "
        -s [ --scale-down ] arg (=0.995)            Scale down threshold by this value if an updated ensemble fails to converge
        -p [ --pmax ] arg (=1e-11)                  Convergence error probability
        -r [ --reuse-stages ] arg                   Number of distinct LUT stages
        -v [ --reuse-vec ] arg                      Provide an initial reuse vector
        --lut-table-design arg (=joint_root)        Strategy for LUT table creation
        --lut-tree-design arg (=auto_bin_balanced)  Strategy for LUT table creation
        -h [ --help ]                               produce help message

Warning: reuse_vec_opt creates as many threads as iterations specified via the -i options, i.e., it is quite demanding on your CPU if executed on a client machine. E.g. to optimize the reuse pattern for a code with degree distribution as specified in ensembles/rate0.50_dv02-17_dc08-09_lut_q4.ens,

$ bin/reuse_vec_opt -e ensembles/rate0.50_dv02-17_dc08-09_lut_q4.ens -t0.89 -i100  -p1e-11 -s0.999 --reuse-stages 25

Here, the program initially allocates 100 unique LUT stages for every iteration and tries to reduce the number of unique LUTs down to 25.

Codes, Ensembles and Trees

C.f. codes, ensembles and trees.

Creating VHDL Code for an Unrolled Decoder

Using the MATLAB scripts of the LUT-LDPC-VHDL submodule, the VHDL source code for an unrolled decoder (cf. [3-4]) can be generated based on the decoders exported by LUT-LDPC C++ program. In order to generate a decoder object and some input-output pairs run

$ bin/ber_sim -p params/ber.ini.regular.example > stimuli.txt

This will simulate 20 frame per SNR value and create the decoder object results/RES_N2048_R0.841309_maxIter8_zcw0_frames20_minLUT/ Furthermore, pairs of decoder inputs and corresponding decoder outputs are written to the text file stimuli.txt.

The decoder object can then be used as an input to generate corresponding VHDL, while the pairs in stimuli.txt can be used to verify the correctnes of the resulting VHDL against the simulation model.

For more details, cf. the documentation of LUT-LDPC-VHDL

Writing your own programs

The Makefile is configured to compile one executable per source file in the prog directory and link it to all object files of LUT-LDPC. Try adding this example as prog/tree_example.cpp and rebuild and install using make && make install. This should give you the program bin/tree_example.


If you use this software for your academic research, please consider referencing our original contributions [1,2,3,4]


[1] M. Meidlinger, A. Balatsoukas-Stimming, A. Burg, and G. Matz, “Quantized message passing for LDPC codes,” in Proc. 49th Asilomar Conf. Signals, Systems and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, USA, Nov. 2015.

[2] M. Meidlinger and G. Matz, “On irregular LDPC codes with quantized message passing decoding,” in Proc. IEEE SPAWC 2017, Sapporo, Japan, Jul. 2017.

[3] A. Balatsoukas-Stimming, M. Meidlinger, R. Ghanaatian, G. Matz, and A. Burg, “A fully-unrolled LDPC decoder based on quantized message passing,” in Proc. SiPS 2015, Hang Zhou, China, 10 2015.

[4] R. Ghanaatian, A. Balatsoukas-Stimming, C. Müller, M. Meidlinger, G. Matz, A. Teman, and A. Burg, “A 588 Gbps LDPC decoder based on finite-alphabet message passing,” IEEE Trans. VLSI Systems, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 329–340, 2 2018.

[5] X.-Y. Hu, E. Eleftheriou, and D. Arnold, “Regular and irregular progressive edge-growth tanner graphs,” IEEE Trans. Information Theory, vol. 51, no. 1, pp. 386–398, Jan. 2005.