mutant copied to clipboard
notes on mutant use
mutant modules actually used in in mutant apps:
9 mutant/array
91 mutant/computed
1 mutant/concat
10 mutant/dict
2 mutant/for
4 mutant/html
1 mutant/idle
1 mutant/is
2 mutant/keys
9 mutant/lookup
16 mutant/map
2 mutant/mapped
4 mutant/merge
3 mutant/once
1 mutant/proxy
19 mutant/resolve
21 mutant/send
1 mutant/set
35 mutant/struct
1 mutant/throttle
49 mutant/value
54 mutant/watch
19 mutant/when
5 mutant/computed
1 mutant/dict
18 mutant/h
1 mutant/map
3 mutant/once
1 mutant/resolve
2 mutant/throttle
7 mutant/value
1 mutant/watch
1 mutant/when
1 mutant/array
8 mutant/computed
12 mutant/h
2 mutant/map
3 mutant/once
1 mutant/resolve
1 mutant/send
1 mutant/svg
1 mutant/throttle
6 mutant/value
4 mutant/watch
4 mutant/when
Of course, this is missing es6 {foo} = require('foo')
style imports but between greppability and browserifyability are two good reasons to not use those right?
Anyway, it appears that mutant has a lot of features that arn't actually in use, if the undocumented, unused features where removed then what remains would be a tighter core of (battle) tested code, and documenting it would be more feasible.
Worth noting that computed is like the number one, by a considerable margin, even if you don't count all the things which are just implemented in terms of computed anyway!
also @ahdinosaur @mixmix @pietgeursen
Anyway, it appears that mutant has a lot of features that arn't actually in use, if the undocumented, unused features where removed then what remains would be a tighter core of (battle) tested code, and documenting it would be more feasible.
proxy-collection is the only mutant function not being used in Loop Drop.
Or do you mean we should remove ones that aren't used very frequently (one-offs)?
It could be cool to extract out some of the less used modules (like mapped-dict, mapped-array) into a seperate package kind of like how pull-stream does it.
yeah, at some point we moved the more complex and less used functions out of pull-stream and bumped the major (after doing this kind of analysis!). It's more accessible because it makes it obvious which things are worth learning.