screenshots copied to clipboard
Unavailable simulators are not ignored
Some of the simulators on my machine are unavailable. For instance, the iPad Pro 11 inch on iOS 12.2 is not available because I have not installed the iOS 12.2 simulator.
-- Unavailable: --
iPhone 5s (739BB7D5-8286-4689-A851-B4BA054B62C6) (Shutdown) (unavailable, runtime profile not found)
iPhone 6 Plus (8D83D9CF-F3E4-4E0B-91CE-B5B61118C70E) (Shutdown) (unavailable, runtime profile not found)
iPhone 6 (1CAB72E7-FB16-4332-9913-2D049B41F46B) (Shutdown) (unavailable, runtime profile not found)
iPhone 6s (F723FBFC-1B7D-46AE-A3D4-6DADBCD9C019) (Shutdown) (unavailable, runtime profile not found)
iPhone 6s Plus (DDEB9CF5-5372-49CE-8763-CFD2C5A9B208) (Shutdown) (unavailable, runtime profile not found)
iPhone SE (80A67194-40F8-4D87-AE03-317857492879) (Shutdown) (unavailable, runtime profile not found)
iPhone 7 (8518BF4F-603D-402C-926F-C36965BB1F72) (Shutdown) (unavailable, runtime profile not found)
iPhone 7 Plus (87C8C702-288A-453C-80C2-88014228CC90) (Shutdown) (unavailable, runtime profile not found)
iPhone 8 (83656F90-DF97-4F11-B326-0D0948E07419) (Shutdown) (unavailable, runtime profile not found)
iPhone 8 Plus (CB3C8968-1665-44A4-8077-AC188E5CA2FD) (Shutdown) (unavailable, runtime profile not found)
iPhone X (7806903F-4764-4803-B3BC-AACEAFC654FD) (Shutdown) (unavailable, runtime profile not found)
iPhone Xs (180ACBBA-8DA7-4BBA-BAE2-A796B33626E4) (Shutdown) (unavailable, runtime profile not found)
iPhone Xs Max (5D5A05DF-FB90-4F42-989F-34783E5905B6) (Shutdown) (unavailable, runtime profile not found)
iPhone Xʀ (FE57F614-FDC8-4E8D-91D3-DC2F53C0147E) (Shutdown) (unavailable, runtime profile not found)
iPad Air (211981FE-79B2-4757-BC86-98C73EC6D836) (Shutdown) (unavailable, runtime profile not found)
iPad Air 2 (411073E7-DCE4-43BC-BC8D-1965113C7C2F) (Shutdown) (unavailable, runtime profile not found)
iPad Pro (9.7-inch) (63B00233-62E7-430E-852A-15027B79514D) (Shutdown) (unavailable, runtime profile not found)
iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (5B62EA16-E870-4478-AA50-EA21A9FE66AD) (Shutdown) (unavailable, runtime profile not found)
iPad (5th generation) (29C2BCB1-5C6F-43F8-8E63-C289C8D8AD9F) (Shutdown) (unavailable, runtime profile not found)
iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (2nd generation) (B4E45AB1-4619-43EE-A883-BCE50D5CABB5) (Shutdown) (unavailable, runtime profile not found)
iPad Pro (10.5-inch) (650E7EFA-70B4-4FB7-902F-3301C4F4AF65) (Shutdown) (unavailable, runtime profile not found)
iPad (6th generation) (0BC8E995-8AE3-4454-B6A5-1D4D04A8DE90) (Shutdown) (unavailable, runtime profile not found)
iPad Pro (11-inch) (2CFEE1B9-307A-4F93-B69E-F55C6DD3EE25) (Shutdown) (unavailable, runtime profile not found)
iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (3rd generation) (4EBB73D2-699C-4CB3-AA74-CD15D8BC3043) (Shutdown) (unavailable, runtime profile not found)
iPad Air (3rd generation) (4BD8A43D-5DD6-4E08-A0A2-077394ADB632) (Shutdown) (unavailable, runtime profile not found)
"availabilityError" : "runtime profile not found",
"dataPath" : "\/Users\/jpsheehan\/Library\/Developer\/CoreSimulator\/Devices\/2CFEE1B9-307A-4F93-B69E-F55C6DD3EE25\/data",
"logPath" : "\/Users\/jpsheehan\/Library\/Logs\/CoreSimulator\/2CFEE1B9-307A-4F93-B69E-F55C6DD3EE25",
"udid" : "2CFEE1B9-307A-4F93-B69E-F55C6DD3EE25",
"isAvailable" : false,
"deviceTypeIdentifier" : "",
"state" : "Shutdown",
"name" : "iPad Pro (11-inch)"
It looks like screenshots
does not check for simulator availability and tries to pick unavailable devices sometimes. Here is the output of screenshots -v
[ +160 ms] Starting flutter daemon...
[ +99 ms] executing: flutter daemon
[+2739 ms] <== Starting device daemon...
[ +64 ms] <== [{"event":"daemon.connected","params":{"version":"0.5.3","pid":48113}}]
[ +35 ms] ==> [{"method":"device.enable","id":0}]
[ +1 ms] waiting for response: {method: device.enable, id: 0}
[ +205 ms] <== [{"id":0}]
[+5081 ms] executing: [./] sh -c ios-deploy -c || echo "no attached devices"
[ +149 ms] Starting flutter daemon... (completed in 8.3s)
[ +2 ms] ==> [{"method":"device.getDevices","id":1}]
[ ] waiting for response: {method: device.getDevices, id: 1}
[ +947 ms] <== [{"id":1,"result":[]}]
[ +4 ms] ==> [{"method":"emulator.getEmulators","id":2}]
[ ] waiting for response: {method: emulator.getEmulators, id: 2}
[ +162 ms] <== [{"id":2,"result":[{"id":"flutter_emulator","name":"flutter emulator","category":"mobile","platformType":"android"},{"id":"apple_ios_simulator","name":"iOS Simulator","category":"mobile","platformType":"ios"}]}]
[ +1 ms] daemonEmulator=id: flutter_emulator, name: flutter emulator, category: mobile, platformType: android
[ ] daemonEmulator=id: apple_ios_simulator, name: iOS Simulator, category: mobile, platformType: ios
[ +863 ms] executing: [./] xcrun simctl list devices --json
[ +50 ms] Warning: 'iPhone 11 Pro' has multiple iOS versions.
[ ] : Using 'iPhone 11 Pro' with iOS version (ID: 00ACD004-977E-4F9F-AE52-A6B330F18DBF).
[ +2 ms] Warning: 'iPhone X' has multiple iOS versions.
[ ] : Using 'iPhone X' with iOS version (ID: B2F2B29E-0A3D-48AF-AB2B-E03846A94ADE).
[ +2 ms] Warning: 'iPhone 8 Plus' has multiple iOS versions.
[ ] : Using 'iPhone 8 Plus' with iOS version (ID: 6270DEE9-4A11-42E9-908B-1F485B90DE0F).
[ ] Warning: 'iPhone 8' has multiple iOS versions.
[ ] : Using 'iPhone 8' with iOS version (ID: A7C8E98F-ACD4-4E2C-B0D4-F986B6B61A91).
[ +62 ms] executing: [./] chmod u+x /tmp/screenshots/resources/script/android-wait-for-emulator
[ +31 ms] executing: [./] chmod u+x /tmp/screenshots/resources/script/android-wait-for-emulator-to-stop
[ +18 ms] executing: [./] chmod u+x /tmp/screenshots/resources/script/simulator-controller
[ +24 ms] executing: [./] chmod u+x /tmp/screenshots/resources/script/sim_orientation.scpt
[ +9 ms] Warning: using default value 'phone' in fastlane directory.
[ ] Clearing images in ios/fastlane/screenshots/en-US for 'iPhone 11 Pro'...
[ +7 ms] Clearing images in ios/fastlane/screenshots/en-US for 'iPhone X'...
[ ] Clearing images in ios/fastlane/screenshots/en-US for 'iPhone 8 Plus'...
[ +16 ms] Warning: using default value 'phone' in fastlane directory.
[ ] Clearing images in ios/fastlane/screenshots/en-US for 'iPhone 8'...
[ +455 ms] executing: [./] xcrun simctl list devices --json
[ +95 ms] executing: [./] plutil -convert json -o - /Users/jpsheehan/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/00ACD004-977E-4F9F-AE52-A6B330F18DBF/data/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences.plist
Unhandled exception:
command failed: exitcode=1, cmd='plutil -convert json -o - /Users/jpsheehan/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/00ACD004-977E-4F9F-AE52-A6B330F18DBF/data/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences.plist', workingDir=.
#0 cmd (package:screenshots/src/utils.dart:361:5)
#1 getIosSimulatorLocale (package:screenshots/src/utils.dart:178:19)
#2 Screenshots.runTestsOnAll (package:screenshots/src/run.dart:226:40)
#3 (package:screenshots/src/run.dart:127:11)
<asynchronous suspension>
#4 screenshots.<anonymous closure> (package:screenshots/src/run.dart:42:26)
#5<anonymous closure> (package:tool_base/src/base/context.dart:154:29)
#6 _rootRun (dart:async/zone.dart:1147:13)
#7 (dart:async/zone.dart:1040:19)
#8 _runZoned (dart:async/zone.dart:1582:10)
#9 runZoned (dart:async/zone.dart:1502:10)
#10 (package:tool_base/src/base/context.dart:153:18)
#11 runInContext (package:screenshots/src/context_runner.dart:16:24)
#12 screenshots (package:screenshots/src/run.dart:41:12)
#13 main (file:///Users/jpsheehan/.pub-cache/hosted/
<asynchronous suspension>
#14 _startIsolate.<anonymous closure> (dart:isolate-patch/isolate_patch.dart:299:32)
#15 _RawReceivePortImpl._handleMessage (dart:isolate-patch/isolate_patch.dart:168:12)
I was able to resolve this issue by running xcrun simctl delete unavailable
to remove those unavailable devices from the list.