Matteo Mazzarolo
Matteo Mazzarolo
Hey @psyrenpark ! Currently I don't have enough time to keep this project up to date with the latest RN releases, sorry!
@shuding FYI, you can achieve the same behaviour by using the experimental `scrollRestoration` flag -- in your `next.config.js`, add: ``` module.exports = { experimental: { scrollRestoration: true } } ```...
@shuding understood. Sorry, I missed it 👍
Same issue here even on 0.25.1... any progress on this?
@aksonov thanks man! Edit: nope, it is still not working for me. Replacing the entire stack doesn't re-render the app. We should probably wait for [this](
Hey @rewieer ! :D Can't test it now, but I'm wondering... > but for the TimePicker it is because it doesn't return the correct hour. Does the returned value not...
@jasuno it is not. I see @reginaliuyx started working on it, not sure if the plan is to submit a PR here though.
@drcmda totally new to `react-spring`, great project (and docs!). Jumping here just to say that `useNativeDriver` can only be applied to a specific subset of fields (e.g.: you can use...
@drcmda sure! I just wanted to point that out because it might be useful for implementing `useNativeDriver` 👍 I just discovered react-spring this morning and I don't have enough knowledge...
> It's a fork from react-native's animated, we're now quite far from it, trying to remove complexity, but the principles still hold. Is the RN `Animated` API used anywhere in...