Mátyás Mustoha
Mátyás Mustoha
Thank you very much for the detailed and thorough investigation! Yes, the current implementation is perhaps a bit naive, and focuses more on being cross-platform and avoiding corner cases, than...
Thanks for sharing your points! Hm, perhaps the issue on RG405M might not be the hardware, but the software? As far as I know, ever since the file system changes...
I might actually have a little time today/next week for some experimenting.
So I've replaced the QDirIterators in the metadata provider code, and while the result is measurably faster, by about 15–20% at best, it's not _as fast_ as I was expecting...
Qt uses UTF16 internally, while different platforms use their platform-specific encoding. Some conversion will be always necessary, which is handled internally by Qt. Conversion has a cost, but this shouldn't...
Hi, the standalone commands on the site are submitted by the community, so it is possible that things get outdated or incorrect. If you know a better launch command, let...
I suppose this can be closed now.
Sorry for the late reply! The standalone commands on the site are submitted by the community, so it is possible that things get outdated or incorrect. If you know a...
Hi! Could you explain in more detail what version of LaunchBox you use, what settings you have set in it, for what games, what is it you expect to see...
I see! Could you post the log file of Pegasus for when the issue happens? The log should contain the launch command Pegasus tries to run, so we can then...