Maximilian Marx
Maximilian Marx
Adding an OpenSearch description allows searching for entities directly from the search bar/Omnibox
Have a search-interface that allows for complex filtering, not entirely unlike the Query Helper
- [ ] claim providers (cf. #142) - [ ] inference engine - [ ] rule browser - [ ] rule editor
Add a gadget (like the one for reasonator), allowing for easy linking to SQID from Wikidata (and possible other wikis)
Fix style divergence from the old design, in particular to fit more information on the screen (the new defaults use more space)
Provide a way to add additional claims to the view that do not (directly) originate from `wbgetclaims`. Needed for inference rules, and PrimarySources (cf. #118).
Use LuaLaTeX to build the slides (fixes #5). Use latexmk instead of running pdflatex twice.