mary marchini
mary marchini
As soon as I get the proof of concept working I'll share it on `nodejs/build`. For now I'm rewriting it from scratch because the relay idea doesn't require much on...
As long as the bot doesn't have access to security releases, I think that's fine? It's something that should be brought up to nodejs/build, if we move it should be...
The bot expects the `repo` parameter, so we should probably do it (although for the comment maybe only node-test-pull-request needs updating?). There's no easy way to update those jobs, right?
cc @phillipj
> You're also aiming for only one comment to be posted (and then edited) from the github bot, right? No, it will search for the appropriate comment for that particular...
Will do when I'm back from vacation
Sharing some context: `gyp` was created by Google many years ago to be the Chromium build system. Node.js adopted it as building V8 (which is part of both Node.js and...
@ussjoin thank you for taking an interest in this issue. I suggest reading my comment above ( to understand the technical challenges and unintended consequences of changing this package name...
I'll ask everyone to refrain from personal attacks in this issue, as those are unproductive to the discussion.
@benjamingr great summary, I'd just like to point out that: > In addition there is a considerable amount of technical debt around gyp and Node wants to replace it with...