Mehrad Mahmoudian

Results 440 comments of Mehrad Mahmoudian

I suggest not going with a proprietary solution for an opensource project when there are far better FOSS solutions are available including Matrix

I just came to open an issue for this that I found this thread. The [Bookmarks]( is there, but this project is not. Would be great if we can have...

@gaborcsardi I did some searching and the following is what I've found: ```r library("foreach") library("doParallel") library("progress") registerDoParallel(parallel::makeCluster(7, outfile = "")) pb

This is very essential. Most config files don't have extension (e.g vimrc, .zshrc, .bashrc) and their format is typically defined by their first line as explained by OP. I hope...

Confirmed using: > > Flameshot v11.0.0 (03af9d80) > Compiled with Qt 5.15.3 > linux: 5.15.32-1-MANJARO > using the default key:

@borgmanJeremy the reason I kept it open was to discuss it with you the following: Does it make sense to add a bit more content and context to this error?...

@Usama-Irfan Thank you for posting, but your comment does not add to the conversation and bring nothing more on the table, therefore I made it hidden (an this comment of...

@RiedleroD Would it be possible for you to try to reproduce this in a clean VM (same OS, same Sway) and see if the issue persists?

> alright so according to testing, it works if I install xdg-desktop-portal-wlr AND xdg-desktop-portal-(one of gtk, kde or gnome, but not lxqt for some reason) This is a very interesting...

@zim0369 I agree that this is out of the context of Flameshot. Perhaps you might be interested in this thread: How about closing this issue in favor of #556...