Glitches: 1. In the option "Use the following language for the spellchecker", if we uncheck the "Set as default language" box, it resets (re-checks) as soon as we close the...
I downloaded the last linux debian package from the blog and was able to install and run without major issues. I use Linux Mint 19.3. However, there were some minor...
When I click to open the software, both the project selection window and the project window don't start up maximized. I'm using Quoll version 2.6.7 and Java 1.8.0_131-b11.
I have this glitch when pressing Enter or erasing space on a text written in the Research Item text field and also on any card on the Idea Board. The...
The Editor and Project circle icons get color red when everything is saved, and green when there are unsaved changes. This happens only in Default Light Theme in version 2.5.2...